
Young adults heading for Syria to join the jihad and the safety risks associated with their return are currently a topic of debate in the Netherlands and in many other European countries. Around 120 Dutch citizens have gone abroad to join the jihad and the Dutch government is concerned about the possible dangers these jihadists might pose to society when they return to the Netherlands. Over the past years, the Dutch security services have focused on Turkish religious and political organisations (among other groups) in the context of radicalism and extremism. More recently, Turkish self-organisations and the media have reported on social problems among Turkish-Dutch citizens, varying from socio-economic disadvantages and withdrawal into their own community to overrepresentation in crime statistics and increased risks of radicalisation. These reports have led to the present study, which focuses on questions regarding developments in the social position of Turkish-Dutch citizens in relation to possible risks of criminality and radicalisation among young adults of Turkish descent.

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CIROC Nieuwsbrief
Erasmus School of Law

Staring, R. (2014). Risks of radicalization among Turkish-Dutch young adults?. CIROC Nieuwsbrief, 1(August 2014), 5–6. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/77355