
This paper is submitted by Prof. Dr. Klaus Heine1 and Enmanuel Cedeño-Brea2, in response to the Prudential Regulatory Authority’s (PRA) Consultation Paper CP19/14 on “The Implementation of Ring-fencing: consultation on legal structure, governance and the continuity of services and facilities”, published on October 2014 (hereinafter, the “Consultation Paper” or “CP19/14”).

Erasmus School of Law

Heine, K., & Cedeno-Brea, E. (2015). The Legal Structure of Ring-Fenced Bodies in the United Kingdom - A Response to Consultation Paper CP19/14 on the Implementation of Ring-fencing: on Legal Structure, Governance and the continuity of Services and Facilities. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/77569