People with disabilities are barred from microcredit schemes. A literature search on the participation of people with disabilities in microcredit schemes resulted in 16 documents. The statements, recommendations and generalisations in these documents are not supported with strong evidence and are ‘expert opinions’ at best. Inclusion of people with disabilities within institutional schemes and self-helping schemes is recommended throughout the world.However, these seem most affected by excluding mechanisms and inclusion numbers lag behind. The absence of people with disabilities from these two schemes makes them a less attractive option. To fulfil the current needs of people with disabilities; ad-hoc schemes should continue and even expand their work. The pragmatic solution is to work with the available resources in order to change the situation of people with disabilities.
Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development (formerly: Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal)

Cramm, J., & Finkenflügel, H. (2008). Exclusion of disabled people from microcredit in Africa and Asia: A literature study. Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development (formerly: Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal), 19(2), 15–33. Retrieved from