Chapter 1 outlines the normal structure and composition of articular cartilage and the inefficient spontaneous healing response after focal damage. Current surgical treatment options are briefly discussed and tissue engineering techniques for the repair of articular cartilage defects are addressed in more detail. The aims of the work presented in this thesis are outlined in Chapter 2: namely to investigate the infl uence of different biomaterials, cell types and culture methods on the tissue engineering process, as well as characteristics of the tissue engineered cartilage.

J.A.N. Verhaar (Jan)
Biomed Nederland BV, DePuy-Johnson & Johnson, Link Nederland, Nederlandse Orthopaedische Vereniging, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Biomaterialen en Tissue Engineering, Reumafonds, Somas Chirurgische Techniek B.V, Stryker Howmedica Nederland B.V.,, Synthes B.V.,, Verhaar, Prof. Dr. J.A.N. (promotor)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Marijnissen, W. (2006, August 30). Cartilage Tissue Engineering:
the effect of different biomaterials, cell types and culture methods. Retrieved from