Introduction: We aimed to investigate whether the use of aortic occlusion balloon (AOB) has an impact on mortality of patients undergoing endovascular repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (RAAAs). Methods: A meta-analysis of the English-language literature was undertaken through February 2013. Articles reporting data on outcome after endovascular repair of RAAAs were identified and information regarding the use of AOB was sought. Results: Included in this meta-analysis were 39 eligible studies reporting 1277 patients. The pooled perioperative mortality was 21.6 % (95 % CI 18.1–25.1 %). There was significant within-study heterogeneity (I2 50.2 %, P < 0.001). A total of 200 patients required AOB with an estimated pooled proportion of 14.1 % (8.9–19.3 %). Individual random-effects meta-regression investigating the effect of AOB and other risk factors on mortality revealed a significant linear association of hemodynamic instability, bifurcated endograft approach, and primary conversion to open repair with mortality and a nonlinear (second degree polynomial) association of AOB with mortality. On multivariable meta-regression models, both hemodynamic instability and AOB were found to be statistically significant, independent predictors of mortality. In particular, there was a statistically significant negative correlation between AOB and mortality and a positive effect of hemodynamic instability on mortality. In practical terms, mortality was significantly higher in studies with a higher proportion of hemodynamically unstable patients and lower in studies with a higher rate of AOB use. Conclusion: This study provides meta-analytical evidence that the use of an AOB in unstable RAAA patients undergoing endovascular repair may improve the results.

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CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology

Karkos, C.D. (Christos D.), Papadimitriou, C.T. (Christina T.), Chatzivasileiadis, T.N. (Theodoros N.), Kapsali, N.S. (Nikoletta S.), Kalogirou, T.E. (Thomas E.), Giagtzidis, I.T. (Ioakeim T.), & Papazoglou, K.O. (Konstantinos O.). (2015). The Impact of Aortic Occlusion Balloon on Mortality After Endovascular Repair of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: A Meta-analysis and Meta-regression Analysis. CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology, 38(6), 1425–1437. doi:10.1007/s00270-015-1132-1