Objectives: To date, PROPELLER MRI, a breathing-motion-insensitive technique, has not been assessed for cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease. We compared this technique to CT for assessing CF lung disease in children and adults.
Methods: Thirty-eight stable CF patients (median 21 years, range 6-51 years, 22 female) underwent MRI and CT on the same day. Study protocol included respiratory-triggered PROPELLER MRI and volumetric CT end-inspiratory and -expiratory acquisitions. Two observers scored the images using the CF-MRI and CF-CT systems. Scores were compared with intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman plots. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI versus CT were calculated.
Results: MRI sensitivity for detecting severe CF bronchiectasis was 0.33 (CI 0.09-0.57), while specificity was 100 % (CI 0.88-1). ICCs for bronchiectasis and trapped air were as follows: MRI-bronchiectasis (0.79); CT-bronchiectasis (0.85); MRI-trapped air (0.51); CT-trapped air (0.87). Bland-Altman plots showed an MRI tendency to overestimate the severity of bronchiectasis in mild CF disease and underestimate bronchiectasis in severe disease.
Conclusions: Motion correction in PROPELLER MRI does not improve assessment of CF lung disease compared to CT. However, the good inter- and intra-observer agreement and the high specificity suggest that MRI might play a role in the short-term follow-up of CF lung disease (i.e. pulmonary exacerbations).

Key Points:
• PROPELLER MRI does not match CT sensitivity to assess CF lung disease.
• PROPELLER MRI has lower sensitivity than CT to detect severe bronchiectasis.
• PROPELLER MRI has good to very good intra- and inter-observer variability.
• PROPELLER MRI can be used for short-term follow-up studies in CF.

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doi.org/10.1007/s00330-015-3850-9, hdl.handle.net/1765/82296
European Radiology: journal of the European Congress of Radiology
Department of Radiology

Ciet, P., Serra, G., Bertolo, S., Spronk, S., Ros, M., Fraioli, F., … Morana, G. (2016). Assessment of CF lung disease using motion corrected PROPELLER MRI: a comparison with CT. European Radiology: journal of the European Congress of Radiology, 26(3), 780–787. doi:10.1007/s00330-015-3850-9