Webcare in public services: Deliver better with less?
Social media monitoring and webcare are gradually becoming common practice in public organizations in the Netherlands. This chapter focuses on webcare, i.e. the act of engaging in online communication with citizens to address client feedback. We investigate four cases of webcare by Dutch public organizations. The main goal of webcare is to gain a better insight into relevant sentiments within target groups. Reputation management and anticipation of clients’ questions and needs prevail in this endeavour. Improvement of information provision and service delivery on the basis of citizens’ feedback are other important motives. In some of our cases, signs of co-production are visible. However, in none of the cases are the impacts of webcare systematically monitored.
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doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-27237-5_8, hdl.handle.net/1765/83191 | |
Organisation | Department of Public Administration |
de Kool, D., & Edwards, A. (2015). Webcare in public services: Deliver better with less?. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-27237-5_8 |