The androgen receptor protein has specific domains involved in DNA binding, ligand binding, and transactivation, whose activities need to be integrated during transcription activation. The hinge region, more particular a 629RKLKK633 motif, seems to play a crucial role in this process. Indeed, although the motif is not part of the DNA-binding domain, its positive residues are involved in optimal DNA binding and nuclear translocation as shown by mutation analysis. When the mutated ARs are forced into the nucleus, however, the residues seem to play different roles in transactivation. Moreover, we show by FRAP analysis that during activation, the AR is distributed in the nucleus in a mobile and two immobile fractions, and that mutations in the 629RKLKK633 motif affect the distribution of the AR over these three intranuclear fractions. Taken together, the 629RKLKK633 motif is a multifunctional motif that integrates nuclear localization, receptor stability, DNA binding, transactivation potential and intranuclear mobility.

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Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Department of Pathology

Tanner, T. M., Denayer, S., Geverts, B., Tilborgh, N. V., Kerkhofs, S., Helsen, C., … Haelens, A. (2010). A 629RKLKK633 motif in the hinge region controls the androgen receptor at multiple levels. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 67(11), 1919–1927. doi:10.1007/s00018-010-0302-1