Taking the Institute for Housing Studies in Rotterdam as a case study, this paper aims to theorise the ways non-Western, international students construct and negotiate knowledges in Western institutions of higher education. It describes the types of knowledges these students identify as characteristic of their learning abroad, distinguishing between the curriculum, knowledge of cultural Others and ‘critical thinking’, and the strategies of incorporation, avoidance and resistance with which students negotiate these knowledges. These knowledges, if contested, are then theorised to facilitate these students’ entry into, and mobility within, globally dispersed epistemic communities.

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doi.org/10.1080/03057925.2013.824782, hdl.handle.net/1765/84790
Erasmus University Rotterdam

van Oorschot, I. (2014). Negotiating knowledges abroad: non-Western students and the global mobility of knowledge. Compare, 44(6), 895–915. doi:10.1080/03057925.2013.824782