Background: The physical activity level of older adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) is extremely low, and their fitness levels are far beneath accepted norms for older people with normal intelligence and comparable with frail older people. A physical activity programme, including an education programme, was developed for older adults with ID using behaviour change techniques. The programme aimed at improving or maintaining adequate levels of physical activity (primary outcome measure) and motor fitness, cardio respiratory fitness, morphologic and metabolic fitness, activities of daily living, cognitive functioning and depressive symptoms (secondary outcome measures). Method: The programme's efficacy was evaluated in a cluster-randomised clinical trial among people aged 43years and over with mild-moderate levels of ID. Five day-activity centres were randomised to the participation group. In these centres, 81 older adults participated in groups of 8 to 10 in the programme, three times a week during 8months. The programme was executed by physical activity instructors and staff of day-activity centres. Five other day-activity centres were randomised to the control group; 70 older adults in these centres received care as usual.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Department of General Practice

van Schijndel-Speet, M., Evenhuis, H., van Wijck, R., van Montfort, K. C. A. G. M., & Echteld, M. (2017). A structured physical activity and fitness programme for older adults with intellectual disabilities: Results of a cluster-randomised clinical trial. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 61(1), 16–29. doi:10.1111/jir.12267