The shortage of organs is a critical problem for patients with organ failure, and has led to a polarizing discussion. Some, including us, have suggested that a regulated system of incentives might increase donation and alleviate the crisis. Others, championed by Chapman, Danovitch, Padilla and Delmonico, have passionately opposed this option.

Delmonico et al., representing the Declaration of Istanbul [DoI] Custodial Group (DICG) now write that our proposed guidelines for a regulated system are not acceptable. Our proposal, as stated in the manuscript, was presented as a basis for discussion. Rather than suggesting modifications or improvements, the DICG simply condemns it.

American Journal of Transplantation
Department of Internal Medicine

Matas, A., Ambagtsheer, F., Gaston, R., Gutmann, T., Hippen, B., Munn, S., … Danguilan, R. (2012). A realistic proposal - Incentives may increase donation - We need trials now!. American Journal of Transplantation, 12(7), 1957–1958. doi:10.1111/j.1600-6143.2012.04117.x