The rise of global supply chain systems and geographical dispersion of related inland logistics centres has led to a new phase in the evolution of port systems, referred to as port regionalisation. While this process largely results from the decisions of shippers and logistics providers, the scope of public policy can also shape it. This includes the strategic capacity of stakeholders to couple not only locally available assets with the needs of global flows, but also to provide meaning through the constitution of symbols, frames and discourses. We propose the application of a relational perspective to port regionalisation, which allows us to analyse how various actors engage strategically in actor-networks and coalitions across scales to stimulate growth based on logistics. This is accomplished by presenting the rise of Venlo in the Netherlands as an inland logistics hub within the corridor of the port of Rotterdam.

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Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
Erasmus School of Economics

Raimbault, N., Jacobs, W., & van Dongen, F. (2016). Port Regionalisation from a Relational Perspective: The Rise of Venlo as Dutch International Logistics Hub. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 107(1), 16–32. doi:10.1111/tesg.12134