The Netherlands and Flanders are well known for their long and profound tradition in research and development on recruitment and selection practices. During the past decade, however, considerably less attention has been paid towards recruitment and selection topics, both within the Dutch/Flemish academic literature as well as at Dutch/Flemish universities (e.g., in terms of the number of specialized courses). This remarkable observation runs counter to the call for scientifically trained recruiting/selection experts as instigated by several new developments within the professional field of recruitment and assessment. This article presents six developments/trends in recruitment and selection. We further illustrate the scientist-practitioner gap as well as several perspectives on recruitment and selection to address some of the recent developments.

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Gedrag en organisatie : tijdschrift voor sociale, arbeids- en organisatie-psychologie
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Derous, E., van der Velde, M. E. G., & Born, M. (2011). Back from never went away: Introduction to the new series 'Recruitment'. Gedrag en organisatie : tijdschrift voor sociale, arbeids- en organisatie-psychologie, 24(1), 3–17. Retrieved from