Probably almost every day (good working day) in 35 years of 'doing' medical ethics I have asked myself: for whom is good medical ethics good? Who benefits from our critical ethical analysis? In my view the ultimate justification of bioethics lies in contributing to the debate on problems people experience in real life and to changing practices. I discuss some pitfalls and problems present-day bioethicists encounter in an interdisciplinary climate, facing scepticism, competition and scarcity of resources, such as disdain from philosophers, take-over by other disciplines, dilution of ethical argument, the empirical seduction, and paragraph ethics.,
Journal of Medical Ethics: an international peer-reviewed journal for health professionals and researchers in medical ethics
Department of Medical Ethics and Philosophy of Medicine

de Beaufort, I. (2015). Cui bono? Good for whom? Some apologies, confessions, musings, unsubstantiated views, not empirically founded statements, lists, a few commandments, reading suggestions, and rather practical tips for aspiring and experienced bioethicists. Journal of Medical Ethics: an international peer-reviewed journal for health professionals and researchers in medical ethics, 41(1), 56–59. doi:10.1136/medethics-2014-102307