The early phase of myocardial infarction is accompanied by changes in the ST segment of the ECG. This makes the ST segment the clinical marker for the detection of acute myocardial infarction. The determination of the infarct severity, location and size of the myocardial tissue at risk will support clinical decision making. In this study we used an inverse procedure to estimate the location and size of the infarcted heart region. The method estimates the local transmembrane amplitude based on the ECG amplitude near the J-point of the standard 12 leads signals using a patient specific volume conductor model. For the 5 available patient cases the positions as well as the size of the estimated infarct region were in accordance with results based on MRI.
Computing in Cardiology
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Van Dam, J. W., Arnold Dijk, W., van der Putten, N., Maan, A., & De Jongste, M. (2012). Estimating infarct severity from the ECG using a realistic heart model. Presented at the Computing in Cardiology. Retrieved from