Psychiatry and mental healthcare in the Netherlands has a long history of institutional care, slowly more adapted to the community, but differentiated from mainstream healthcare in terms of organization and remuneration. It is in a crucial phase of reconsideration. Along with harsh cuts on the budgets in healthcare, the field is in transition where training is concerned. The good news is that in fruitful cooperation the government and all spcialist parties involved in mental healthcare are on the verge of reaching an important agreement that should make mental healthcare more patient centred, affordable and accessible for those who need it. The bad news that needs serious consideration and ongoing action is that mental health problems are still highly stigmatized and that as a result the government could impose an unjust and unfair own financial contribution for users in mental care as a means of lowering the costs in the field.,
International Review of Psychiatry
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

van Schijndel, M., Gerrits, W. L. J., Niesink, P., & van der Gaag, R. J. (2012). The state of psychiatry in the Netherlands: Strength by quality, influence by capabilities. International Review of Psychiatry (Vol. 24, pp. 321–327). doi:10.3109/09540261.2012.694360