To the Editor,
One year ago we presented the ESTRO consensus guideline on target volume delineation for elective radiation therapy of early stage breast cancer [1]. We hereby present an update following the need for modification of the caudal part of CTVn_L4 and the lateral border of CTVn_IMN in the published pdf-files. Also, as a consequence of frequent questions, we provide more information regarding the lateral border of the CTVp_breast and for dose planning in relation to the humeral joint. [...],
Radiotherapy & Oncology
Department of Radiation Oncology

Offersen, B. V., Boersma, L., Kirkove, C., Hol, S., Aznar, M. C., Sola, A. B., … Poortmans, P. (2016). ESTRO consensus guideline on target volume delineation for elective radiation therapy of early stage breast cancer, version 1.1. Radiotherapy & Oncology. doi:10.1016/j.radonc.2015.12.027