The topic lies primarily in the field of European environmental law. It focuses on the ‘export’ of European environmental legal standards to the third countries by the Europe-based investment banks (such as EBRD, EIB, NIB). In 2006 these banks voluntarily agreed to apply the EU legal environmental standards to their foreign direct investment projects in the third countries, where feasible. The major question the project addresses is how to trace the (non-)application of these standards in the third countries. The study approaches the issue via the results-based accountability of the investment banks, and eventually suggests the elaboration of legal environmental indicators, aimed at tracing the application of European legal environmental standards in investment projects outside the EU.

This work is part of the Mozaïek research programme, financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
F. Amtenbrink (Fabian) , W.T. Douma (Wybe)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus School of Law

Ratsiborinskaya, D. (2016, March 10). Evaluating the application of eu environmental standards in european public banks’ investment projects in third countries. Retrieved from