Concluding Remark – I set out to take a look through the keyhole at the inner workings of business model innovation in this dissertation. In my research I discovered that business model innovation is a phenomenon not conducive to being classified into any one framework or theory. We must use other scientific theories and domains to contextualise business model innovation and so make sense of this interesting, albeit practical, process. At the start of this journey, I wanted to answer the question: What drives business model innovation to success? I believe I have, at least partly, answered this question in my discovery that business model innovation is a fluid concept driven mainly by people and behaviours, which in turn also augments said behaviour, driving other processes (one of which could potentially be more business model innovation). I have highlighted the importance of leadership in driving this process as well as its outcomes, e.g. learning, identity change. I hope I have piqued the interest of others to follow up on the findings of this dissertation and shine a light on the many remaining mysteries inherent in business model innovation.

H.G. Barkema (Harry)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
ERIM Ph.D. Series Research in Management
Erasmus Research Institute of Management

Smit, J. (2016, October 21). Unlocking Business Model Innovation : A look through the keyhole at the inner workings of Business Model Innovation (No. EPS-2016-399-ORG). ERIM Ph.D. Series Research in Management. Retrieved from