This thesis aims to provide new insights in the long-term postoperative prognosis of vascular surgery patients, focusing on the role of conventional, as well as unconventional risk factors for the prediction of long-term outcomes.

The work presented in this thesis was financially supported by the Michaël-van Vloten and the A.A. van Beek Foundations. Financial support by the Dutch Heart Foundation, the Lijf & Leven Foundation and the Department of Surgery of the Erasmus Medical Center for the publication of this thesis is gratefully acknowledged.
H.J.M. Verhagen (Hence) , R.J. Stolker (Robert) , M.L. Schermerhorn (Marc)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Ultee, K. (2016, October 12). Prognostics in Aortic and Peripheral Artery Disease. Retrieved from