The efficacy of an IVUS-guided stent implantation strategy to improve acute results and clinical outcome has been described previously. OCT is another technique which allows high-resolution intracoronary imaging. However, the use of invasive imaging modalities to guide PCI has, as yet, played a limited role in current clinical practice. This may be partly explained by the expertise required for interpretation and clinical decision making. We present a novel technology which enables real-time co-registration of OCT images with angiography. This will simplify matching cross-sectional images to their geographic position on the angiogram, thereby facilitating imaging-guided PCI.

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Department of Cardiology

van der Sijde, J., Guagliumi, G., Sirbu, V., Shimamura, K. (Kunihiro), Borghesi, M., Karanasos, A., & Regar, E. (2016). The OPTIS Integrated System: Real-time, co-registration of angiography and optical coherence tomography. EuroIntervention, 12(7), 855–860. doi:10.4244/EIJV12I7A140