With growing cultural diversity in European educational settings, acculturation processes at schools have become more complex as well as ‘problems’ associated to cultural essentialisms in everyday classroom practices. The use of digital games has found to be an effective tool to reinforce teaching/learning practices. Several studies have already shown the benefits of the use of digital games in educational contexts. However, most of these studies are focused on how digital games can be used for knowledge acquisition. The present research proposes a new approach for the study of digital games in the field of education. Drawing from collaborative approaches, in this chapter, we explore the potential of digital entertaining collaborative games to foster intercultural interaction in culturally diverse classrooms. The mechanisms of inter-group contact theory serve to explain the importance of intercultural interactions for the long-term process of integration.

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This paper was written within the project “Persuasive Gaming in Context. From theory-based design to validation and back” funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). This study is also in collaboration with the Research Project “Television News for Promoting Interculturalism. A Novel Step towards Immigrant Integration” funded by the European Commission in the framework of Marie Curie Actions (327228-TVNPI).
Department of Media and Communication

Paz Aléncar, A., & de la Hera Conde-Pumpido, T. (2017). Gaming in Multicultural Classrooms: The Potential of Collaborative Digital Games to Foster Intercultural Interaction. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/94697