This study investigates to what extent audiovisual infotainment features can be found in the narrative structure of television news in three European countries. Content analysis included a sample of 639 news reports aired in the first 3 weeks of September 2013, in six prime-time TV news broadcasts of Ireland, Spain, and the Netherlands.
It was found that Spain and Ireland included more technical features of infotainment in television news compared to the Netherlands. Also, the use of infotainment techniques is more often present in commercial, than in public broadcasting. Finally, the findings indicate no clear pattern of the use of infotainment techniques across news topics as coded in this study.

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Journalism: theory, practice & criticism
Department of Media and Communication

Paz Aléncar, A., & Kruikemeier, S. (2016). Audiovisual infotainment in European news: A comparative content analysis of Dutch, Spanish, and Irish television news programs. Journalism: theory, practice & criticism, 1–18. doi:10.1177/1464884916671332