In this article we explore the effects of two Slovenian jazz festivals on the economic resilience of the host cities: Jazzinty Novo Mesto and Jazz Cerkno. We analyse to what extent the two jazz festivals contribute to the original pre-crisis status (e.g. static economic resilience) of the two host cities as reaction to the financial crisis of 2008. Using a monthly based dataset of Statistical Office of Republic of Slovenia, covering the period 2008–2015, and ex-post econometric verification methodology (time series and panel data methods), we estimate the effects of these festivals on tourism inflows and employment. The results confirm important effects of the events in both cities, but with wide variation across the years, being more present in the earlier years of the festivals, and being on a very different scale for both cities.

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European Planning Studies
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC)

Vecco, M., & Srakar, A. (2017). Blue notes: Slovenian jazz festivals and their contribution to the economic resilience of the host cities. European Planning Studies, 25(1), 107–126. doi:10.1080/09654313.2016.1272548