Essentials: Differences in sensitivity to factor VII (FVII) have been suggested between thromboplastins. FVII-induced International Normalized Ratio (INR) changes differ between commercial reagents. Recombinant human thromboplastins are more sensitive to FVII than tissue-extract thromboplastins. Thromboplastin choice may affect FVII-mediated INR stability. Summary: Background: Differences regarding sensitivity to factor VII have been suggested for recombinant human and tissue-extract thromboplastins used for International Normalized Ratio (INR) measurement, but the evidence is scarce. Differences in FVII sensitivity are clinically relevant, as they can affect INR stability during treatment with vitamin K antagonists (VKAs). Objectives: To determine whether commercial thromboplastins react differently to changes in FVII. Methods: We studied the effect of addition of FVII on the INR in plasma by using three tissue-extract (Neoplastin C1+, Hepato Quick, and Thromborel S) and three recombinant human (Recombiplastin 2G, Innovin, and CoaguChek XS) thromboplastins. Three different concentrations of purified human FVII (0.006, 0.012 and 0.062 μg mL-1 plasma), or buffer, were added to five certified pooled plasmas of patients using VKAs (INR of 1.5-3.5). Changes in FVII activity were measured with two bioassays (Neoplastin and Recombiplastin), and relative INR changes were compared between reagents. Results: After addition of 0.062 μg mL-1 FVII, FVII activity in the pooled plasmas increased by approximately 20% (Neoplastin) or 32% (Recombiplastin) relative to the activity in pooled normal plasma. All thromboplastins showed dose-dependent INR decreases. The relative INR change in the pooled plasmas significantly differed between the six thromboplastins. No differences were observed among recombinant or tissue-extract thromboplastins. Pooled results indicated that the FVII-induced INR change was greater for recombinant than for tissue-extract thromboplastins. Conclusions: Differences regarding FVII sensitivity exist between various thromboplastins used for VKA monitoring. Recombinant human thromboplastins are more sensitive to FVII than tissue-extract thromboplastins. Therefore, thromboplastin choice may affect FVII-mediated INR stability.

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Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Biedermann, J., van den Besselaar, A. M. H. P., de Maat, M., Leebeek, F., & Kruip, M. (2017). Monitoring of treatment with vitamin K antagonists: Recombinant thromboplastins are more sensitive to factor VII than tissue-extract thromboplastins. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 15(3), 500–506. doi:10.1111/jth.13611