Publications from 2025
Mechanics of the pulmonary valve in the aortic position Article
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 557-567.January 2014 -
The association of maternal adult weight trajectory with preeclampsia and gestational diabetes mellitus Article
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology (Print), 28(4), 287-296.January 2014 -
Assessing Internet Addiction Using the Parsimonious Internet Addiction Components Model-A Preliminary Study Article
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 12(3), 351-366.January 2014 -
January 2014
How distressing is referral to colposcopy in cervical cancer screening? A prospective quality of life study Article
Gynecologic Oncology, 132(1), 142-148.January 2014 -
Association analysis of ten candidate genes in a large multinational cohort of small for gestational age children and children with idiopathic short stature (NESTEGG study) Article
Hormone Research in Paediatrics, 80(6), 466-476.January 2014 -
The efficacy and timing of melodic intonation therapy in subacute aphasia Article
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 28(6), 536-544.January 2014 -
Reliability and validity of a novel haemophilia-specific self-efficacy scale Article
Haemophilia, 20(4)January 2014 -
Exploration of MR-guided head and neck hyperthermia by phantom testing of a modified prototype applicator for use with proton resonance frequency shift thermometry Article
International Journal of Hyperthermia, 30(3), 184-191.January 2014 -
Can students evaluate their understanding of cause-and-effect relations? The effects of diagram completion on monitoring accuracy Article
Acta Psychologica, 143-154.January 2014 -
Non-surgical care in patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis is modestly consistent with a stepped care strategy after its implementation Article
International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 26(4), 490-498.January 2014 -
Does Leadership Style Make a Difference? Linking HRM, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Performance Article
Review of Public Personnel Administration, 34(2), 174-195.January 2014 -
Intractable vascular autonomic dysregulation (Harlequin phenomenon) in two brothers: Another indication for propranolol? Article
Dermatologic Therapy, 27(4), 230-232.January 2014 -
Effect of aging on healthcare costs of inflammatory bowel disease: A glimpse into the future Article
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 20(4), 637-645.January 2014 -
Implementing a clinical pathway for hip fractures; Effects on hospital length of stay and complication rates in five hundred and twenty six patients Article
International Orthopaedics, 38(5), 1045-1050.January 2014 -
Why Aren't Evaluations Working and What to Do About It: A Framework for Negotiating Meaningful Evaluation in Nonprofits Article
American Journal of Evaluation, 35(2), 171-188.January 2014 -
The clinical characteristics of retinal vasculitis in HLA-B27-positive patients Article
Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, 22(3), 197-202.January 2014 -
Dasatinib in combination with fludarabine in patients with refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A multicenter phase 2 study Article
Leukemia Research: clinical and laboratory studies, 38(1), 34-41.January 2014 -
Folates provoke cellular efflux and drug resistance of substrates of the multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1) Article
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 73(5), 911-917.January 2014 -
FK506 protects against articular cartilage collagenous extra-cellular matrix degradation Article
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 22(4), 591-600.January 2014 -
Cytokine alterations in first-episode schizophrenia patients before and after antipsychotic treatment Article
Schizophrenia Research, 154(1-3), 23-29.January 2014 -
Randomized comparison of operator radiation exposure comparing transradial and transfemoral approach for percutaneous coronary procedures: Rationale and design of the minimizing adverse haemorrhagic events by TRansradial access site and systemic implementation of angioX - RAdiation Dose study (RAD-MATRIX) Article
Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, 15(4), 209-213.January 2014 -
Androgen receptor complexes probe DNA for recognition sequences by short random interactions Article
Journal of Cell Science, 127(7), 1406-1416.January 2014 -
January 2014
Implementation of a group-based physical activity programme for ageing adults with ID: A process evaluation Article
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (Print), 20(4), 401-407.January 2014 -
January 2014
Knowing what to do in social situations: The general factor of personality and performance on situational judgment tests Article
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 13(2), 107-115.January 2014 -
ICDs at higher age and clinical risk factors Article
Netherlands Heart Journal, 22(6), 279-285.January 2014 -
Functional phylogenetic analysis of LGI proteins identifies an interaction motif crucial for myelination Article
Development (Cambridge), 141(8), 1749-1756.January 2014 -
Tubers from patients with tuberous sclerosis complex are characterized by changes in microtubule biology through ROCK2 signalling Article
Journal of Pathology, 233(3), 247-257.January 2014 -
Stronger relation between impairment and manual capacity in the non-dominant hand than the dominant hand in congenital hand differences; Implications for surgical and therapeutic interventions Article
Journal of Hand Therapy, 27(3), 201-208.January 2014 -
Effect of resveratrol on mitochondrial function: Implications in parkin-associated familiar Parkinson's disease Article
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1842(7), 902-915.January 2014 -
Small but significant excess mortality compared with the general population for long-term survivors of breast cancer in the Netherlands Article
Annals of Oncology, 25(1), 64-68.January 2014 -
A crucial role for the ubiquitously expressed transcription factor Sp1 at early stages of hematopoietic specification Article
Development (Cambridge), 141(12), 2391-2401.January 2014 -
Predicting asthma in preschool children at high risk presenting in primary care: Development of a clinical asthma prediction score Article
Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 23(1), 52-59.January 2014 -
T1 mapping in the rat myocardium at 7 Tesla using a modified CINE inversion recovery sequence Article
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 39(4), 901-910.January 2014 -
Optical-thermal mathematical model for endovenous laser ablation of varicose veins Article
Lasers in Medical Science, 29(2), 431-439.January 2014 -
January 2014
Maternal educational level and blood pressure, aortic stiffness, cardiovascular structure and functioning in childhood The generation R study Article
American Journal of Hypertension, 27(1), 89-98.January 2014 -
To serve and protect: Enzyme inhibitors as radiopeptide escorts promote tumor targeting Article
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 55(1), 121-127.January 2014 -
Bacillus globigii cell size is influenced by variants of the quorum sensing peptide extracellular death factor Article
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, 105(1), 221-228.January 2014 -
Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration cytology as an addendum to sentinel lymph node biopsy can perfect the staging strategy in melanoma patients Article
European Journal of Cancer, 50(13), 2280-2288.January 2014 -
PARK20 caused by SYNJ1 homozygous Arg258Gln mutation in a new Italian family Article
Neurogenetics, 15(3), 183-188.January 2014 -
Absence of intraocular infections after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation at a single center: The experience with current preventive regimens Article
Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, 22(2), 116-120.January 2014 -
Multi-lingual support for lexicon-based sentiment analysis guided by semantics Article
Decision Support Systems, 43-53.January 2014 -
Occurrence and predictors of persistent impaired glucose tolerance after acute ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack Article
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 23(6), 1669-1675.January 2014 -
January 2014
Gender differences in psychological distress and quality of life in patients with an ICD 1-year postimplant Article
Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 37(7), 843-852.January 2014 -
Breast cancer screening halves the risk of breast cancer death: A case-referent study Article
The Breast, 23(4), 439-444.January 2014 -
Value for money: Economic evaluation of two different caries prevention programmes compared with standard care in a randomized controlled trial Article
Caries Research, 48(3), 244-253.January 2014 -
Effectiveness of a web-based tailored intervention (E-health4Uth) and consultation to promote adolescents' health: Randomized controlled trial Article
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(5)January 2014 -
January 2014
Dynamic incentive effects of relative performance pay: A field experiment Article
Labour Economics, 1-13.January 2014 -
Focal therapy in prostate cancer: International multidisciplinary consensus on trial design Article
European Urology : Official Journal of the European Association of Urology, 65(6), 1078-1083.January 2014 -
A semantic approach for extracting domain taxonomies from text Article
Decision Support Systems, 78-93.January 2014 -
Comparison of newer-generation drug-eluting with bare-metal stents in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: A pooled analysis of the EXAMINATION (clinical evaluation of the xience-V stent in acute myocardial INfArcTION) and COMFORTABLE-AMI Article
JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 7(1), 55-63.January 2014 -
Validation study in four health-care databases: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding misclassification affects precision but not magnitude of drug-related upper gastrointestinal bleeding risk Article
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 67(8), 921-931.January 2014 -
Third trimester fetal hemodynamics and cardiovascular outcomes in childhood: The Generation R study Article
Journal of Hypertension, 32(6), 1275-1282.January 2014 -
Patient safety in South Africa: PICU adverse event registration Article
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 15(5), 464-470.January 2014 -
Evaluation of the auditory evoked potentials derived aepEX ™ as a measure of hypnotic depth in pediatric patients receiving sevoflurane-remifentanil anesthesia Article
Paediatric Anaesthesia, 24(7), 760-765.January 2014 -
Intravenous and intratracheal mesenchymal stromal cell injection in a mouse model of pulmonary emphysema Article
COPD, 11(3), 310-318.January 2014 -
Wall shear stress calculations based on 3D cine phase contrast MRI and computational fluid dynamics: A comparison study in healthy carotid arteries Article
NMR in Biomedicine (Print), 27(7), 826-834.January 2014 -
Priming of microglia in a DNA-repair deficient model of accelerated aging Article
Neurobiology of Aging: age-related phenomena, neurodegeneration and neuropathology, 35(9), 2147-2160.January 2014 -
The microbiome and psoriatic arthritis topical collection on psoriatic arthritis Article
Current Rheumatology Reports, 16(3)January 2014 -
January 2014
Too old to have children? Lessons from natural fertility populations Article
Human Reproduction, 29(6), 1304-1312.January 2014 -
Risk factors and consequences of maternal anaemia and elevated haemoglobin levels during pregnancy: A population-based prospective cohort study Article
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology (Print), 28(3), 213-226.January 2014 -
Human monocytes produce interferon-gamma upon stimulation with LPS Article
Cytokine, 67(1), 7-12.January 2014 -
Place marketing and citizen participation: Branding as strategy to address the emotional dimension of policy making? Article
International Review of Administrative Sciences: an international journal of comparative public administration, 80(1), 151-171.January 2014 -
A comparative study of diagnostic scoring systems for autoimmune pancreatitis Article
Pancreas, 43(4), 559-564.January 2014 -
Incidence of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumours: A systematic review of the literature Review
January 2014 -
Macrolides to prevent COPD exacerbations Article
Clinical Pulmonary Medicine, 21(2), 61-67.January 2014 -
Clinical outcome of nonculprit plaque ruptures in patients with acute coronary syndrome in the PROSPECT study Article
JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 7(4), 397-405.January 2014 -
Clinical implementation of pharmacogenetics in kidney transplantation: Calcineurin inhibitors in the starting blocks Article
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 77(4), 715-728.January 2014 -
Detecting bullying in early elementary school with a computerized peer-nomination instrument Article
Psychological Assessment, 26(2), 628-641.January 2014 -
Translating in vitro prediction of cytotoxic T cell alloreactivity to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation outcome Article
Transplant Immunology, 30(2-3), 59-64.January 2014 -
Lifestyle and gastric function Article
Digestive Diseases: clinical reviews, 32(3), 202-205.January 2014 -
January 2014
January 2014
Fracture prevalence during an unusual period of snow and ice in the Netherlands Article
International Journal of Emergency Medicine (Print), 7(1)January 2014 -
Statin therapy is associated with a reduced risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver in overweight individuals Article
Digestive and Liver Disease, 46(8), 720-725.January 2014 -
Abnormal left ventricular rotation and twist in adult patients with corrected tetralogy of Fallot Article
European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging, 15(5), 566-574.January 2014 -
Diagnostic outcome management study in patients with clinically suspected recurrent acute pulmonary embolism with a structured algorithm Article
Thrombosis Research: vascular obstruction, hemorrhage and hemostasis, 133(6), 1039-1044.January 2014 -
Effects of training self-assessment and using assessment standards on retrospective and prospective monitoring of problem solving Article
Learning and Instruction, 92-107.January 2014 -
January 2014
Diagnostic serum glycosylation profile in patients with intellectual disability as a result of MAN1B1 deficiency Article
Brain: a journal of neurology, 137(4), 1030-1038.January 2014 -
New generation lipid emulsions prevent PNALD in chronic parenterally fed preterm pigs Article
Journal of Lipid Research, 55(3), 466-477.January 2014 -
Adaptive mutations in the nuclear export protein of human-derived H5N1 strains facilitate a polymerase activity-enhancing conformation Article
Journal of Virology, 88(1), 263-271.January 2014 -
January 2014
CYP2D6 genotype in relation to hot flashes as tamoxifen side effect in a Dutch cohort of the tamoxifen exemestane adjuvant multinational (TEAM) trial Article
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 143(1), 171-179.January 2014 -
Image guided adaptive brachytherapy for cervical cancer: Dose contribution to involved pelvic nodes in two cancer centers Article
Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy, 6(1), 21-27.January 2014 -
Endothelial CD276 (B7-H3) expression is increased in human malignancies and distinguishes between normal and tumour-derived circulating endothelial cells Article
British Journal of Cancer, 111(1), 149-156.January 2014 -
How evidence becomes authoritative in public policy implementation. Lessons from three Dutch white ravens Article
Policy Studies, 35(3), 264-281.January 2014 -
Cascade screening based on genetic testing is cost-effective: Evidence for the implementation of models of care for familial hypercholesterolemia Article
Journal of Clinical Lipidology, 8(4), 390-400.January 2014 -
European cardiac nurses' current practice and knowledge on anticoagulation therapy Article
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 13(3), 261-269.January 2014 -
Specific glial functions contribute to Schizophrenia susceptibility Article
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 40(4), 925-935.January 2014 -
The psychometric properties of the Anger Bodily Sensations Questionnaire (ABSQ) Article
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology (Print), 25(4), 432-450.January 2014 -
Reference values for spirometry, including vital capacity, in Japanese adults calculated with the LMS method and compared with previous values Article
Respiratory Investigation, 52(4), 242-250.January 2014 -
The physiology and clinical utility of anti-Müllerian hormone in women Article
Human Reproduction Update, 20(3), 370-385.January 2014 -
Relatives' perspectives on the quality of care in an Intensive Care Unit: The theoretical concept of a new tool Article
Patient Education and Counseling, 95(3), 406-413.January 2014