We explore the value of information in the context of a remanufacturer that faces uncertainty with respect to demand, product return, and product recovery (yield loss). We assume a single period model in which the operational decision of interest is the quantity of new product to order. Our objective is to evaluate the absolute and relative value of the different types of information that such a firm may choose to invest in order to reduce the uncertainty it experiences in matching supply with demand. The different types of information include demand, return, and yield loss. Our results are extensive and reveal that the value for any specific type of information depends both on the overall level of uncertainty and the level of uncertainty that is attributed to the information for which it explains. We develop and test a theoretical model that is predictive of 1) the value of each type of information, 2) the conditions that give rise to the value for each type of information, and 3) the relative value for each type of information.

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ERIM Report Series Research in Management
Erasmus Research Institute of Management

Ketzenberg, M., van der Laan, E., & Teunter, R. (2004). The Value of Information in Reverse Logistics (No. ERS-2004-053-LIS). ERIM Report Series Research in Management. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/1447