ISS: Civic Innovation Research Initiative (CIRI)
Emptying, Transportation and Disposal of feacal sludge in informal settlements of Kampala Uganda: The economics of sanitation Article
Habitat International, 69-75.January 2014 -
Private sector participation in solid waste collection in addis ababa (Ethiopia) by involving Micro-enterprises Article
Waste Management and Research, 32(1), 79-87.January 2014 -
The challenges of 'participatory' development in a semi-authoritarian context: the case of an essential oil distillation project in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco† Article
Journal of North African StudiesJanuary 2014 -
Climate risks and adaptation strategies in the Lower Mekong River basin Article
Regional Environmental Change, 207-219.Bastakoti, R.C. (Ram C.), J. Gupta (Joyeeta), Babel, M.S. (Mukand S.) and M.P. van Dijk (Meine Pieter)
February 2014 -
Going Beyond the Comfort Zone: Reflections on the ISS Sexuality Research Initiative Interculture Dialogue on Sexuality, Reproductive Health, and Rights in Development Article
Gender, Technology and Development, 18(1), 131-145.March 2014 -
Migration, Sex Work and Exploitative Labor Conditions: Experiences of Nigerian Women in the Sex Industry in Turin, Italy, and Counter-Trafficking Measures Article
Gender, Technology and Development, 18(1), 77-105.March 2014 -
Assessing the 'Arrival of Democracy' in Central America Article
European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, April(96), 117-126.April 2014 -
Voluntary initiatives in global value chains: towards labour-led social upgrading? Research Paper
(no. 2014/4) EUR-ISS-CIRIK.A. Siegmann (Karin Astrid), P. Knorringa (Peter) and Merk, J.J.S.
May 2014