This thesis sought to investigate the dynamics of disaster risk governance (DRG) in the global arena, Indonesia and Myanmar by zooming into three dimensions: the institutional setting of the governance network (polity), the power relations among network actors (politics) and the advocacy politics (policy). The following questions guided the research:
(1) How has inclusive DRR been developed at the global level?
(2) How does the principle of inclusiveness on DRG work in practice in Indonesia and Myanmar?
a. What are the characteristics of the polity, policy and politics of DRG in Indonesia and Myanmar?
b. To what extent has the actual practice of inclusiveness been affected by the domestic political environment?
- To what extent has decentralisation in Indonesia contributed to DRG?
- To what extent has political transition in Myanmar influenced the dynamics of DRG?
(3) How has the idea of an interactive structure for DRR governance networks played out in Indonesia and Myanmar?
- What explains the different perceptions of risk among multiple actors involved in the process of interactive governance?
- What are the actual challenges to the practice of inclusive DRR in DRG?
(4) What are the lessons learned on interactive governance from the two case studies?

D.J.M. Hilhorst (Thea) , R.S. van Voorst (Roanne)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
ISS PhD Theses
International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (ISS)

Srikandini, A. (2018, March 27). Politics of Disaster Risk Governance in Indonesia and Myanmar : a study into the dynamics of governance network on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). ISS PhD Theses. Retrieved from