Prior studies reported that Myeloperoxidase and Galectin-3, which are biomarkers of coronary plaque vulnerability, are elevated in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. We studied the temporal evolution of these biomarkers early after ACS admission and prior to a recurrent ACS event during 1 year follow-up.,
VSNU Open Access deal
American Heart Journal
Department of Cardiology

Vroegindewey, M., van den Berg, V. J., Bouwens, E. (Elke), Akkerhuis, M., Oemrawsingh, R., Asselbergs, F., … Boersma, E. (2019). Temporal evolution of myeloperoxidase and galectin 3 during 1 year after acute coronary syndrome admission. American Heart Journal, 216, 143–146. doi:10.1016/j.ahj.2019.02.016