In 2006, Joris Luyendijk wrote a best-selling book about his experiences as a correspondent in the Middle East. The book People like Us. Images from the Middle-East offers an insightful, critical, and self-reflexive view on the problems concerning the practice of journalism in Arab countries (and other regimes, for that matter). The author argues that practicing Western-style journalism in nondemocratic systems is a contradiction in terms. Luyendijk fervently pleads for a more self-reflexive and transparent kind of journalism

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ERMeCC - Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication and Culture
International Journal of Press / Politics
Department of Media and Communication

Kester, B. (2008). Working at the end of the assembly line: A conversation with Joris Luyendijk about the impossibility of doing western-style journalism in Arab countries. International Journal of Press / Politics (Vol. 13, pp. 500–506). doi:10.1177/1940161208323537