The aims of this thesis are twofold: One - to describe a reliable micro-electrode system for determination of oxygen partial pressures in the micro-area of the tissue and to demonstrate that it is applicable in exxerimental and clinical situations. Two - to demonstrate that measuring tissue oxygen partial pressures can increase the understanding of oxygenation in the micro-area and imprave our insight in how to act in special clinical situations. This thesis attempts to solve the follgwang problems: 1. What is the normal oxygen pressure in tissues? 2. Is there a relationship between follicular P02 and ovulation? 3. What is the effect of infarction on myocardial oxygenation? 4. Do fluorocarbons amprove myocardial oxygenation af ter infarction? 5. Are fluorocarbons a suitable perfusate in traumatically amputated extremities? 6. What is the effect of hypothermia on tissue oxygenation?

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Erasmus University Rotterdam
W. Erdmann (Wilhelm)
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Fennema, M. (1988, June 15). Tissue oxygen tensions under physiological and pathological conditions. Retrieved from