Rosing has recently demonstrated a new method for obtaining optimal solutions to the (Generalized) Multi-Weber Problem and proved the optimality of the results. The method develops all convex hulls and then covers the destinations with disjoint convex hulls. This paper seeks to improve implementation of the algorithm to make such solutions economically attractive. Four areas are considered: sharper decision rules to eliminate unnecessary searching, bit pattern matching as a method of recording a history and eliminating duplication, vector intrinsic functions to speed up comparisons, and profiling a program to maximize operating efficiency. Computational experience is also presented.,
Papers in Regional Science
Tinbergen Institute

Rosing, K., & Harris, B. (1992). Algorithmic and technical improvements: Optimal solutions to the (Generalized) Multi-Weber Problem. Papers in Regional Science, 71(3), 331–352. doi:10.1007/BF01434271