The first objective of this thesis was to identify early signs of the intergenerational transmission of eating disorders. Specifically, we aimed to study whether young children of mothers with a history of eating disorders were at risk of emotional eating, weight problems, and emotional problems. In addition, we aimed to study feeding practices in mothers with a history of eating disorders.

The second objective of this thesis was to obtain insight in modifiable risk factors for picky eating behavior, such as breastfeeding duration, timing of complementary feeding, and parental anxiety or depressive symptoms.

The third objective was to study possible health consequences of more severe or chronic picky eating.

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H.W. Tiemeier (Henning) , O.H. Franco (Oscar) , P.W. Jansen (Pauline)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Department of Epidemiology

de Barse, L. (2016, October 12). “I Don’t Want to Eat that” : epidemiological studies of eating problems in the family. Retrieved from