Publications from 2018
Modeling Non-Standard Financial Decision Making Dissertation
Erasmus School of EconomicsDecember 2014 -
Shouting in a Desert: Dutch missionary encounters with Javanese Islam, 1850-1910 Roepen in een woestijn: De Nederlandse zending en missie op Islamitisch Java, 1850-1910 Dissertation
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC)December 2014 -
A simple derivation of the waiting time distributions in a non-preemptive M/M/c queue with priorities Research Paper
(no. ERS-2014-016-LIS) ERIM Report Series Research in ManagementDecember 2014 -
Materieel immaterieel: Besturing van woningcorporaties in samenhang met maatschappelijke waarden Dissertation
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus UniversityDecember 2014 -
Automated Detection of Financial Events in News Text Dissertation
Erasmus Research Institute of ManagementDecember 2014 -
Targeted and heat-triggered doxorubicin delivery to tumors by dual targeted cationic thermosensitive liposomes Article
Journal of Controlled Release, 37-48.December 2014 -
Emotional Modulation of Cognition in Recent Onset Schizophrenia Dissertation
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center RotterdamDecember 2014 -
Inguinal Hernia Surgery: a patient centered approach Dissertation
Department of SurgeryDecember 2014 -
December 2014
Drug-related Kidney Injury and Safe Pharmacotherapy in the Elderly Dissertation
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center RotterdamDecember 2014 -
Combined Density Nowcasting in an Uncertain Economic Environment Research Paper
(no. TI 2014-152/III) Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper SeriesDecember 2014 -
Testis-specific Protein Kinases TSSK1 and TSSK2 in Mouse Spermiogenesis Dissertation
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center RotterdamDecember 2014 -
Normal and Abnormal Embryonic Development in Virtual Reality Dissertation
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center RotterdamDecember 2014 -
Introduction Article
December 2014 -
E-governance-based Smart Place Branding: Challenges and Implications for Local Identity and Cultural Entrepreneurship Book Chapter
December 2014 -
Grrrr g < r Article
December 2014 -
Hedge Fund Portfolio Diversification Strategies across the GFC Research Paper
(no. TI 14-151/III) Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper SeriesDecember 2014 -
December 2014
December 2014
December 2014
December 2014
Commitment to local autonomy in non-democracies: Russia and China compared Article
Constitutional Political Economy, 26(2), 221-245.December 2014 -
The validity of the EQ-5D-3L items: An investigation with type 2 diabetes patients from six European countries Article
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 12(1)December 2014 -
Age-Related Effects of Smoking on Coronary Artery Disease Assessed by Gray Scale and Virtual Histology Intravascular Ultrasound Article
The American Journal of CardiologyDecember 2014 -
December 2014
December 2014
Comparison of the web-based and digital questionnaires of the Spanish and Catalan versions of the KIDSCREEN-52 Article
PLoS ONE, 9(12)December 2014 -
An optimized enzyme-linked lectin assay to measure influenza A virus neuraminidase inhibition antibody titers in human sera Article
Journal of Virological Methods, 7-14.December 2014 -
Vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for infection, sepsis and mortality in the critically ill: Systematic review and meta-analysis Article
Critical Care, 18(1)December 2014 -
The short-term effects of an integrated care model for the frail elderly on health, quality of life, health care use and satisfaction with care Article
International Journal of Integrated Care, 14(oct-dec), 1-11.December 2014 -
Four Essays on the Economics of Road Risks in India Dissertation
International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (ISS)December 2014 -
Decision making in drug reimbursement Dissertation
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM)December 2014 -
Should I stay or should I go? A workplace perspective on older persons’ labour market participation Dissertation
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural SciencesDecember 2014 -
Global Strategy: The World is your Oyster (if you can shuck it!) Inaugural Lecture
December 2014 -
Rapid Identification of Black Grain Eumycetoma Causative Agents Using Rolling Circle Amplification Article
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 8(12)December 2014 -
Molecular Mechanisms in Activation of Latent HIV-1 Dissertation
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center RotterdamDecember 2014 -
Infantile Haemangioma: Pathogenesis, Evaluation, and Therapy Dissertation
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center RotterdamDecember 2014 -
Surveillance of Individuals at High Risk for Developing Pancreatic Cancer Dissertation
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center RotterdamDecember 2014 -
ONE STYLE FITS ALL? The Content, Origins, and Effect of Content, Origins, and Effect of Follower Expectations Dissertation
December 2014 -
Presence of bacterial infection and duration of antibiotic therapy in patients with standardized sepsis detection in the emergency department Article
Critical Care, 1-53.December 2014 -
The Perceived Impact of Open Inspection Data on the Quality of Education in Dutch Primary Schools A Parent Perspective Article
Social Science Computer Review, 33(5), 645-659.December 2014 -
The effect of participatory women's groups on infant feeding and child health knowledge, behaviour and outcomes in rural Bangladesh: A controlled before-and-after study Article
Journal of Epidemiology and Community HealthDecember 2014 -
Inequity in inpatient healthcare utilisation 10 years after Apartheid Article
Development Southern Africa, 32(2), 193-208.December 2014 -
The line planning routing game Research Paper
(no. ERS-2014-017-LIS) ERIM Report Series Research in ManagementDecember 2014 -
The Contribution of Optical Coherence Tomography to Interventional Cardiology Methodological Considerations and Clinical Application Dissertation
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center RotterdamDecember 2014 -
Progress with Drug-Eluting Stent Technology from Early to New Generation Devices A comprehensive clinical and intravascular imaging evaluation Dissertation
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center RotterdamDecember 2014 -
Improving diagnostic strategies for predicting serious bacterial infections in children with fever Dissertation
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center RotterdamDecember 2014 -
Population-Based Studies of Bullying in Young Children Dissertation
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center RotterdamDecember 2014 -
Psychomotor Retardation Caused by Mutations in MCT8: pathogenesis and therapy Dissertation
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center RotterdamDecember 2014 -
Colorectal Anastomotic Leakage: New perspectives Dissertation
Department of SurgeryDecember 2014 -
Nutrition, Nutritional State and Related Conditions in Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Dissertation
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center RotterdamDecember 2014 -
A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies novel variants associated with osteoarthritis of the hip Article
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases: an international peer-reviewed journal for health professionals and researchers in the rheumatic diseases, 73(12), 2130-2136.December 2014 -
December 2014
Charles Buys (1942-2014) Article
European Journal of Human Genetics, 22(12), 1343-1344.December 2014 -
December 2014
Design and planning for green global supply chains under periodic review replenishment policies Article
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 210-235.December 2014 -
December 2014
ORAl iMmunosuppressive therapy to prevent in-Stent rEstenosiS (RAMSES) cooperation: A patient-level meta-analysis of randomized trials Article
Atherosclerosis, 237(2), 410-417.December 2014 -
Differential binding kinetics of replication protein A during replication and the pre- and post-incision steps of nucleotide excision repair Article
D N A Repair, 46-56.December 2014 -
Awards at work Article
Labour Economics, 205-217.December 2014 -
Doxorubicin-based adjuvant chemotherapy in soft tissue sarcoma: pooled analysis of two STBSG-EORTC phase III clinical trials Article
Annals of Oncology, 25(12), 2425-2432.December 2014 -
Risk management plans as a tool for proactive pharmacovigilance: a cohort study of newly approved drugs in Europe Article
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 96(6), 723-731.December 2014 -
Using a prison sample to assess the association between the general factor of personality and general intelligence Article
Intelligence (Kidlington), 72-82.December 2014 -
The impact of frailty on care intensity in older people with intellectual disabilities Article
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(12), 3455-3461.December 2014 -
Update from the 2013 international neurofibromatosis conference Article
American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 164(12), 2969-2978.December 2014 -
Holistic approach for automated background EEG assessment in asphyxiated full-term infants Article
Journal of Neural Engineering, 11(6)December 2014 -
Spectrum of cardiac disease in maternity in a low-resource cohort in South Africa Article
Heart, 100(24), 1967-1974.December 2014 -
December 2014
The relevance of MRI for patient modeling in head and neck hyperthermia treatment planning: A comparison of CT and CT-MRI based tissue segmentation on simulated temperature Article
Medical Physics, 41(12)December 2014 -
December 2014
Prediction model for knee osteoarthritis incidence, including clinical, genetic and biochemical risk factors Article
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 73(12), 2116-2121.December 2014 -
Determinants of maternal pregnancy one-carbon metabolism and newborn human DNA methylation profiles Article
Reproduction, 148(6), 581-592.December 2014 -
Comparison of the vasodilator responses of isolated human and rat middle meningeal arteries to migraine related compounds Article
Journal of Headache and Pain, 15(1), 1-10.December 2014 -
The impact of training vouchers on low-skilled workers Article
Labour Economics, 117-128.December 2014 -
Functional characterization of a new human melanocortin-4 receptor homozygous mutation (N72K) that is associated with early-onset obesity Article
Molecular Biology Reports, 41(12), 7967-7972.December 2014 -
NLS-tagging: an alternative strategy to tag nuclear proteins Article
Nucleic Acids Research, 42(21)December 2014 -
Current Therapeutic Research is Now Indexed on PubMed Article
Current Therapeutic Research - Clinical and ExperimentalDecember 2014 -
Analysis of SHPRH functions in DNA repair and immunoglobulin diversification Article
D N A Repair, 63-72.December 2014 -
Sex-specific differences in the effects of local androgen metabolism in the heart as an indicator for the risk of myocardial infarction Article
Cardiovascular Endocrinology, 3(4), 134-141.December 2014 -
The effects of performance incentives on the utilization and quality of maternal and child care in Burundi Article
Social Science & Medicine, 96-104.December 2014 -
CHD7 mutations are not a major cause of atrioventricular septal and conotruncal heart defects Article
American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 164(12), 3003-3009.December 2014 -
Co-evolution of the strategic reorientation of port actors: Insights from the Port of Rotterdam and the Port of Barcelona Article
Journal of Transport Geography, 197-209.December 2014 -
Gene reprogramming in exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy in swine: A transcriptional genomics approach Article
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 168-174.December 2014 -
Spirometric thresholds and biased interpretation of test results Article
Thorax: an international journal of respiratory medicine, 69(12)December 2014 -
Chronic job burnout and daily functioning: A theoretical analysis Article
Burnout Research, 1(3), 112-119.December 2014 -
Diagnosing the distribution of GARCH innovations Article
Journal of Empirical Finance, 287-303.December 2014 -
Bilateral auricular pseudocyst: Recognizing and treating Article
Facial Plastic Surgery, 30(6), 690-693.December 2014 -
Comparing Organ Donation Practices and Rates between Australia and The Netherlands to Detect Best Practices and Areas for Improvement Article
Organs, Tissues & Cells, 175-183.December 2014 -
Cessie als instrument ter afwikkeling van massaschadezaken: in strijd met de openbare orde en goede zeden? Article
Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht, 24(12), 333-338.December 2014 -
Econometric Analysis of Financial Derivatives An overview Research Paper
(no. EI 2015-02) Econometric Institute Research PapersDecember 2014 -
Toward a taxonomy of career studies through bibliometric visualization Article
Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(3), 339-351.December 2014 -
Neural mechanisms underlying context-dependent shifts in risk preferences Article
NeuroImage, 355-363.December 2014 -
Does familiarity with business segments affect CEOs’ divestment decisions? Article
Journal of Corporate Finance, 58-74.December 2014 -
Predicting Volatility and Correlations with Financial Conditions Indexes Article
Journal of Empirical Finance, 435-447.December 2014 -
Licensing radical product innovations to speed up the diffusion Article
European Journal of Operational Research, 239(2), 542-555.December 2014 -
A state space approach to measuring the impact of sovereign and credit risk on interest rate convergence in the euro area Article
Journal of International Money and Finance: theoretical and empirical research in international economics and finance, 340-357.December 2014 -
Business Value from Closed-Loop Supply Chains Article
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 3(4), 107-120.December 2014 -
December 2014
False Confessions in the Lab: A Review Article
Erasmus Law Review, 7(4), 219-224.December 2014 -
Juveniles’ Right to Counsel During Police Interrogations: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of a Youth-Specific Approach, with a Particular Focus on the Netherlands Article
Erasmus Law Review, 7(4), 206-218.December 2014