• DES the year in review: Controversies Review

    S.A. Garg (Scot), C.V. Bourantas (Christos) and P.W.J.C. Serruys (Patrick)

    April 2013
  • A clinical approach to pharmacogenetics Article

    The Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 71(3), 145-152.

    L.C.G. de Graaff (Laura), R.H.N. van Schaik (Ron) and T. van Gelder (Teun)

    April 2013
  • Does standard intravenous calcium gluconate administration during peripheral blood stem cell collection reduce the chance of a citrate reaction? Article

    Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis, 48(2)

    J.D. Brunner-Spiering, M.E. Grootes, P.A.W. te Boekhorst (Peter) and G.E. de Greef (Georgine)

    April 2013
  • Dutch guideline for the management of electrolyte disorders - 2012 revision Article

    The Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 71(3), 153-165.

    E.J. Hoorn (Ewout), M.K. Tuut (Mariska), S.J. Hoorntje, J.L.C.M. van Saase (Jan), R. Zietse (Bob) and A.B. Geers

    April 2013
  • Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome: Diagnosis and transmastoid surgical treatment Article

    Het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Keel- Neus- Oorheelkunde, 19(2), 61-65.

    S. Kasper, Tj.D. Bruintjes, B. Pullens (Bas) and H.P.M. Kunst (Henricus P.M.)

    April 2013
  • Adjuvanted versus nonadjuvanted influenza vaccines in young children: comparing results from recent clinical trials Article

    Clinical Investigation, 3(4), 395-408.

    E.G. Wijnans (Leonoor), D.M. Weibel (Daniel) and M.C.J.M. Sturkenboom (Miriam)

    April 2013
    open access
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    Professionalisering van intern toezicht bij zorgaanbieders Article

    Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidsrecht, 37(4), 334-345.

    A.G.H. Klaassen (Ageeth)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Energy consumption effects of WiFi off-loading access in 3G or LTE public wireless networks Article

    International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, 9(2), 1-10.

    L-F. Pau (Louis-François)

    April 2013
  • Cardiopulmonary interactions during mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients Review

    T.G.V. Cherpanath (Thomas), W.K. Lagrand (Wim), M.J. Schultz (Marcus) and A.B.J. Groeneveld (Johan)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Early vocabulary delay and behavioral/emotional problems in early childhood: The generation R study Article

    Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 56(2), 553-566.

    J. Henrichs (Jens), L.A. Rescorla (Leslie), C. Donkersloot (Cootje), J.J. Schenk (Jacqueline), H. Raat (Hein), V.W.V. Jaddoe (Vincent), A. Hofman (Albert), F.C. Verhulst (Frank) and H.W. Tiemeier (Henning)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Role of the primer activation signal in tRNA annealing onto the HIV-1 genome studied by single-molecule FRET microscopy Article

    RNA, 19(4), 517-526.

    N. Beerens (Nancy), M.D.E. Jepsen (Mette), V. Nechyporuk-Zloy (Volodymyr), A.C. Krüger (Asger), J.-L. Darlix (Jean-Luc), J. Kjems (Jørgen) and V. Birkedal (Victoria)

    April 2013
    open access
  • The impact of preschool wheezing patterns on health-related quality of life at age 4 years pattern of pulmonary adenocarcinoma Article

    The European Respiratory Journal, 41(4), 952-959.

    E.H.D. Hafkamp-De Groen (Esther), A.D. Mohangoo (Ashna), J.M. Landgraf (Jeanne), J.C. de Jongste (Johan), L. Duijts (Liesbeth), H.A. Moll (Henriëtte), V.W.V. Jaddoe (Vincent), A. Hofman (Albert) and H. Raat (Hein)

    April 2013
    open access
  • In vivo live imaging of RNA polymerase II transcription factories in primary cells Article

    Genes & Development, 27(7), 767-777.

    A. Ghamari (Alireza), M.P.C. van de Corput (Mariëtte), S. Thongjuea (Supat), W.A. van Cappellen (Gert), W.F.J. van IJcken (Wilfred), J.A.J. van Haren (Jeffrey), E. Soler (Eric), D. Eick (Dirk), B. Lenhard (Boris) and F.G. Grosveld (Frank)

    April 2013
    open access
  • A novel approach to monitor glucose metabolism using stable isotopically labelled glucose in longitudinal studies in mice Article

    Laboratory Animals: the international journal of laboratory animal science and welfare, 47(2), 79-88.

    T.H. van Dijk (Theo), A.J. Laskewitz (Anke), A. Grefhorst (Aldo), T.S. Boer (Theo), V.W. Bloks (Vincent ), F. Kuipers (Folkert), A. Groen (Albert) and D.J. Reijngoud

    April 2013
    open access
  • Des-acyl ghrelin analogs prevent high-fat-diet-induced dysregulation of glucose homeostasis Article

    FASEB Journal, 27(4), 1690-1700.

    P.J.D. Delhanty (Patric), M. Huisman (Martijn), L.Y. Baldeón Rojas (Lucy), I.J. van den Berge (Iris), A. Grefhorst (Aldo), T. Abribat (Thierry), P.J.M. Leenen (Pieter), A.P.N. Themmen (Axel) and A-J. van der Lely (Aart-Jan)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Effect of a single intraoperative high-dose ATG-fresenius on delayed graft function in donation after cardiac-death donor renal allograft recipients: A randomized study Article

    Experimental and Clinical Transplantation, 11(2), 134-141.

    M.W.F. van den Hoogen (M. W F), M.M.L. Kho (Marcia), A.C. Abrahams (Alferso), A.D. van Zuilen (Arjan), J.-S. Sanders (Jan-Stephan), M. van Dijk (Marja), L.B. Hilbrands (Luuk), W. Weimar (Willem) and A.J. Hoitsma (Andries)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Toxicity and outcome of intensity-modulated radiotherapy versus 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for oropharyngeal cancer: A matched-pair analysis Article

    Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment, 12(2), 123-130.

    A. Al-Mamgani (Abrahim), P.H. van Rooij (Peter), L. Tans (Lisa), D.N. Teguh (David) and P.C. Levendag (Peter)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Polymorphisms in genes within the IGF-axis influence antenatal and postnatal growth Article

    Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 4(2), 157-169.

    P.G. Parmar (Priya), J.A. Marsh (Julie), H.R. Taal (Rob), M. Kowgier (Matthew), A.G. Uitterlinden (André), F. Rivadeneira Ramirez (Fernando), L. Briollais (Laurent), J.P. Newnham (John), A. Hofman (Albert), S.J. Lye (Stephen), et al. E.A.P. Steegers (Eric), C.M. van Duijn (Cornelia), C. Palmer (Cameron), V.W.V. Jaddoe (Vincent) and C.E. Pennell (Craig)

    April 2013
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    Kidney regeneration and repair after transplantation Review

    M. Franquesa (Marcella), M. Flaquer (Maria), J.M. Cruzado and J. Grinyo (Josep)

    April 2013
    open access
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    Urinary markers of intrarenal renin-angiotensin system activity in vivo Review

    L.C.W. Roksnoer (Lodi), K. Verdonk (Koen), A.H. van den Meiracker (Anton), E.J. Hoorn (Ewout), R. Zietse (Bob) and A.H.J. Danser (Jan)

    April 2013
    open access
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    Discovery by the Epistasis Project of an epistatic interaction between the GSTM3 gene and the HHEX/IDE/KIF11 locus in the risk of Alzheimer's disease Article

    Neurobiology of Aging: age-related phenomena, neurodegeneration and neuropathology, 34(4)

    J.M. Bullock (James), C. Medway (Christopher), M. Cortina-Borja (Mario), J.C. Turton (James), J.A. Prince (Jonathan), C.A. Ibrahim-Verbaas (Carla), M. Schuur (Maaike), M.M.B. Breteler (Monique), C.M. van Duijn (Cornelia), P.G. Kehoe (Patrick), et al. R. Barber (Rachel), E. Coto (Eliecer), V. Alvarez (Victoria), P. Deloukas (Panagiotis), N. Hammond (Naomi), O. Combarros (Onofre), I. Mateo (Ignacio), D.R. Warden (Donald), M.G. Lehmann (Michael), O. Belbin (Olivia), K. Brown (Kristelle), G.K. Wilcock (Gordon), R. Heun (Reinhard), H. Kölsch (Heike), A.D. Smith, D.J. Lehmann (Donald) and K. Morgan (Kevin)

    April 2013
    open access
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    The counselees' self-reported request for psychological help in genetic counseling for hereditary breast/ovarian cancer: Not only psychopathology matters Article

    Psycho-Oncology: journal of the psychological, social and behavioral dimensions of cancer, 22(4), 902-910.

    J. Vos (Joël), C.J. van Asperen (Christi), J.C. Oosterwijk (Jan), F. Menko (Fred), J.M. Collée (Margriet), E.B.G. Garcia and A. Tibben (Arend)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Ant colony optimization for RDF chain queries for decision support Article

    Expert Systems with Applications, 40(5), 1555-1563.

    A.C. Hogenboom (Alexander), F. Frasincar (Flavius) and U. Kaymak (Uzay)

    April 2013
  • Ethnicity, educational level and attitudes contribute to parental intentions about genetic testing for child obesity Article

    Journal of Community Genetics, 4(2), 243-250.

    P.L. Kocken (Paul), M.H.C. Theunissen (Meinou H.), Y. Schönbeck (Yvonne), L. Henneman (Lidewij), A.C.J.W. Janssens (Cécile) and S.B. Detmar (Symone)

    April 2013
  • An anatomical study of the ECRL and ECRB: Feasibility of developing a preoperative test for evaluating the strength of the individual wrist extensors Article

    Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 66(4), 543-550.

    A.L.A. Kerver (Anton), L. Carati (L.), P.H.C. Eilers (Paul), A.C. Langezaal (A.), G.J. Kleinrensink (Gert Jan) and E.T. Walbeehm (Erik)

    April 2013
  • A systematic literature review of strategies promoting early referral and reducing delays in the diagnosis and management of infl ammatory arthritis Review

    V.H. de Villeneuve (Volkert Huibert), N. van Nam (Nguyen), M.J. Bell (Mary), C.M. Deighton (Christopher), D. Felson, J.M.W. Hazes (Mieke), I.B. McInnes (Iain), A.J. Silman (Alan), D.H. Solomon (Daniel), A.E. Thompson (Andrew), et al. P.H.P. White (Patience H.), V.P. Bykerk (Vivian) and P. Emery (Paul)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Disk degeneration of the upper lumbar disks is associated with hip pain Article

    European Spine Journal, 22(4), 721-726.

    E.I.T. de Schepper (Evelien), J. Damen (Jurgen), P.K. Bos (Koen), A. Hofman (Albert), B.W. Koes (Bart) and S.M. Bierma-Zeinstra (Sita)

    April 2013
    open access
  • April 2013
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    Genome-wide haplotype association study identifies the FRMD4A gene as a risk locus for Alzheimer's disease Article

    Molecular Psychiatry, 18(4), 461-470.

    J.-C. Lambert (J.), B. Grenier-Boley (Benjamin), D. Harold (Denise), D. Zelenika (Diana), V. Chouraki (Vincent), Y. Kamatani (Yoichiro), K. Sleegers (Kristel), M.A. Ikram (Arfan), M. Hiltunen (Mikko), C. Reitz (Christiane), et al. I. Mateo (Ignacio), T.M. Feulner (Thomas), M.J. Bullido (Maria), D. Galimberti (Daniela), L. Concari (L.), V. Alvarez (Victoria), R. Sims (Rebecca), A. Gerrish (Amy), J. Chapman (Jade), C. Deniz-Naranjo (C.), V. Solfrizzi (Vincenzo), S. Sorbi (Sandro), B. Arosio (Beatrice), G. Spalletta (Gianfranco), G. Siciliano (Gabriele), J. Epelbaum (Jacques), D. Hannequin (Didier), J.-F. Dartigues, C. Tzourio (Christophe), C. Berr (Claudine), E.M.C. Schrijvers (Elisabeth M. C.), R. Rogers (R.), G. Tosto (G.), F. Pasquier (Florence), K. Bettens (Karolien), C. van Cauwenberghe (Caroline), L. Fratiglioni (Laura), M.J. Graff (Maud J.L.), M. Delepine (Marc), R. Ferri (Raffaele), C.A. Reynolds (C.), L. Lannfelt (Lars), M. Ingelsson (Martin), J.A. Prince (Jonathan), C. Chillotti (Caterina), A. Pilotto (Alberto), D. Seripa (Davide), A. Boland (Anne), M. Mancuso (M.), P. Bossù (Paola), G. Annoni (Giorgio), B. Nacmias (Benedetta), P. Bosco (Paolo), F. Panza (Francesco), F. Sanchez Garcia (Florentino), M.D. del Zompo (Maria), E. Coto (Eliecer), M.J. Owen (Michael), M. O'Donovan (Michael), F. Valdivieso (Fernando), P. Caffara (P.), E. Scarpini (Elio), O. Combarros (Onofre), L. Buee (Luc), D. Campion (Dominique), H. Soininen (H.), M.M.B. Breteler (Monique), M. Riemenschneider (Matthias), C. van Broeckhoven (Christine), A. Alperovitch (Annick), M. Lathrop (Mark), D.-A. Tregouet (David-Alexandre), J. Williams (Julie) and P. Amouyel (Philippe)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Intentionally curative treatment of locally recurrent rectal cancer: A systematic review Review

    P.J. Tanis (Pieter), A. Doeksen (Annemiek) and J.J.B. van Lanschot (Jan)

    April 2013
    open access
  • A genome-wide association study of depressive symptoms Article

    Biological Psychiatry, 73(7), 667-678.

    K. Hek (Karin), A. Demirkan (Ayşe), J. Lahti (Jari), A. Terracciano, A. Teumer (Alexander), M. Cornelis (Marilyn), N. Amin (Najaf), E. Bakshis (Erin), J. Baumert (Jens), J. Ding (Jingzhong), et al. Y. Liu (YongMei), K. Marciante (Kristin), O. Meirelles, M.A. Nalls (Michael), Y.V. Sun (Yan), N. Vogelzangs (Nicole), L. Yu (Lei), S. Bandinelli (Stefania), E.J. Benjamin (Emelia), D.A. Bennett (David), D.I. Boomsma (Dorret), A. Cannas, L.H. Coker (Laura), E.J.C. de Geus (Eco), P.L. de Jager (Philip), A.V. Diez Roux (Ana), S. Purcell (Shaun), F.B. Hu (Frank), E. Rimm, D.J. Hunter (David), M.K. Jensen (Majken), G.C. Curhan (Gary), K.M. Rice (Kenneth), A.D. Penman (Alan), J.I. Rotter (Jerome), N. Sotoodehnia (Nona), R. Emeny (Rebecca), J.G. Eriksson (Johan), D.A. Evans (Denis), L. Ferrucci (Luigi), M. Fornage (Myriam), V. Gudnason (Vilmundur), A. Hofman (Albert), T. Illig (Thomas), S.L.R. Kardia (Sharon), M. Kelly-Hayes (Margaret), M.E. Koenen (Marjorie), P. Kraft (Peter), M. Kuningas (Maris), J. Massaro (Joseph), D. Melzer (David), A. Mulas (Antonella), C.L. Mulder (Niels), A. Murray (Anna), B.A. Oostra (Ben), A. Palotie (Aarno), B.W.J.H. Penninx (Brenda), A. Petersmann (Astrid), L.C. Pilling (Luke), B.M. Psaty (Bruce), R. Rawal (Rajesh), E.M. Reiman (Eric), A. Schulz (Ansgar), L. Shulman (Lee), A.B. Singleton (Andrew), A.V. Smith (Davey), A.R. Sutin, A.G. Uitterlinden (André), H. Völzke (Henry), E. Widen (Elisabeth), K. Yaffe (Kristine), A.B. Zonderman (Alan), F. Cucca (Francesco), T.B. Harris (Tamara), K.-H. Ladwig (Karl-Heinz), D.J. Llewellyn (David), K. Räikkönen (Katri), T. Tanaka (Toshiko), C.M. van Duijn (Cornelia), H.J. Grabe (Hans Jörgen), L.J. Launer (Lenore), K.L. Lunetta (Kathryn), T.H. Mosley (Thomas), A.B. Newman (Anne), H.W. Tiemeier (Henning) and J. Murabito (Joanne)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Erythropoiesis: Development and differentiation Article

    Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, 3(4)

    E.A. Dzierzak (Elaine) and J.N.J. Philipsen (Sjaak)

    April 2013
    open access
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    Health-related quality of life of infants from ethnic minority groups: The Generation R Study Article

    Quality of Life Research, 22(3), 653-664.

    I.J.E. Flink (Ilse), T.M.J. Beirens (Tinneke), C.W.N. Looman (Caspar), J.M. Landgraf (Jeanne), H.W. Tiemeier (Henning), H.A. Mol (Henriette), V.W.V. Jaddoe (Vincent), A. Hofman (Albert), J.P. Mackenbach (Johan) and H. Raat (Hein)

    April 2013
    open access
  • A small molecule approach to engineering vascularized tissue Article

    Biomaterials, 34(12), 3053-3063.

    J. Doorn (Joyce), H. Fernandes (Hugo), B.Q. Le (Bach), J. van de Peppel (Jeroen), J.P.T.M. van Leeuwen (Hans), M.R. de Vries (Margreet), Z. Aref (Zeen), P.H.A. Quax (Paul), O. Myklebost (Ola), D.B.F. Saris (Daniel), et al. C.A. van Blitterswijk (Clemens) and J. de Boer (Jan)

    April 2013
  • Retinal vascular caliber measurements: Clinical significance, current knowledge and future perspectives Review

    M.K. Ikram (Kamran), Y.T. Ong (Yi Ting), C.Y.-L. Cheung (Carol Yim-Lui) and T.Y. Wong (Tien Yin)

    April 2013
  • Ocular complications in children within 1 year after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Article

    JAMA Ophthalmology, 131(4), 470-475.

    V.K. Ayuso (Viera Kalinina), Y. Hettinga (Ymkje), P. van der Does (Patricia), J.J. Boelens (Jaap), A. Rothová (Aniki) and J.H. de Boer (Joke)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Optimal exposures of ceftazidime predict the probability of microbiological and clinical outcome in the treatment of nosocomial pneumonia Article

    Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 68(4), 900-906.

    A.E. Muller (Anouk), N. Punt (N.) and J.W. Mouton (Johan)

    April 2013
  • Azithromycin for prevention of exacerbations in severe asthma (AZISAST): A multicentre randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial Article

    Thorax: an international journal of respiratory medicine, 68(4), 322-329.

    G.G. Brusselle (Guy), C. VanderStichele (Christine), P. Jordens (Paul), R. Deman (René), H. Slabbynck (Hans), V. Ringoet (Veerle), G. Verleden (Geert), I.K. Demedts (Ingel), K.M.C. Verhamme (Katia), A. Delporte (Anja), et al. B. Demeyere (Bénédicte), T. Claeys (Tine), J. Boelens (Jerina), E. Padalko (Elizaveta), J. Verschakelen (Johny), G. van Maele (Georges), E. Deschepper (Ellen) and G.F. Joos (Guy)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Cancer incidence and mortality patterns in Europe: Estimates for 40 countries in 2012 Article

    European Journal of Cancer, 49(6), 1374-1403.

    J. Ferlay (J.), E. Steliarova-Foucher (Eva), J.G.A. Lortet-Tieulent (Joannie), S.M. Rosso (Sonia), J.W.W. Coebergh (Jan Willem), H. Comber, D. Forman (David) and F. Bray (Freddie)

    April 2013
  • Infection of the upper respiratory tract with seasonal influenza A(H3N2) virus induces protective immunity in ferrets against infection with A(H1N1)pdm09 virus after intranasal, but not intratracheal, inoculation Article

    Journal of Virology, 87(8), 4293-4301.

    R. Bodewes (Rogier), J.H.C.M. Kreijtz (Joost), G. van Amerongen (Geert), M.L.B. Hillaire (Marine), S.E. Vogelzang-van Trierum (Stella ), N.J. Nieuwkoop (Nella), P.R.W.A. van Run (Peter), T. Kuiken (Thijs), R.A.M. Fouchier (Ron), A.D.M.E. Osterhaus (Albert), et al. G.F. Rimmelzwaan (Guus)

    April 2013
    open access
  • A decision framework to evaluate intellectual property strategies in the medical nutrition market Article

    PharmaNutrition, 1(2), 65-72.

    T.C. Weenen (Tamar), A. Jentink (Anne), E.S. Pronker (Esther), H.R. Commandeur (Harry) and H.J.H.M. Claassen (Eric)

    April 2013
  • Genome instability in Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG Article

    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79(7), 2233-2239.

    W. Sybesma (Wilbert), D. Molenaar (Douwe), W.F.J. van IJcken (Wilfred), K. Venema (Koen) and R. Kort (Remco)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Changes in normal-appearing white matter precede development of white matter lesions Article

    Stroke, 44(4), 1037-1042.

    M. de Groot (Mirthe), B.F.J. Verhaaren (Benjamin), R. de Boer (Renske), S. Klein (Stefan), A. Hofman (Albert), A. van der Lugt (Aad), M.A. Ikram (Arfan), W.J. Niessen (Wiro) and M.W. Vernooij (Meike)

    April 2013
  • Operator exposure to x-ray in left and right radial access during percutaneous coronary procedures: OPERA randomised study Article

    Heart, 99(7), 480-484.

    M. Dominici (Marcello), R. Diletti (Roberto), C. Milici (Carmelina), G.H. de Bock (Geertruida), A. Placanica (Attilio), G. D'Alessandro (Gianluigi), A. Arrivi (Alessio), M. Italiani (Marco), E. Buono (Eduardo) and E. Boschetti (Enrico)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Maternal fish consumption during pregnancy and risks of wheezing and eczema in childhood: The Generation R Study Article

    European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 67(4), 353-359.

    E.T.M. Leermakers (Lisan), A.M.M. van der Sonnenschein-Voort (Agnes), D.H.M. Heppe (Denise), J.C. de Jongste (Johan), H.A. Moll (Henriëtte), O.H. Franco (Oscar), A. Hofman (Albert), V.W.V. Jaddoe (Vincent) and L. Duijts (Liesbeth)

    April 2013
  • The relationship of body mass index with quality of life among endometrial cancer survivors: a study from the population-based PROFILES registry Article

    Gynecologic Oncology, 129(1), 216-221.

    C.S. Oldenburg (Charlotte), D. Boll (Dorry), C. Nicolaije (Claudia), M.C. Vos (Caroline), J.M.A. Pijnenborg (Johanna), J.W.W. Coebergh (Jan Willem), S. Beijer (Sandra), L.V. van de Poll-Franse (Lonneke) and N.P.M. Ezendam (Nicole)

    April 2013
  • More than half of hip fracture patients do not regain mobility in the first postoperative year Article

    Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 13(2), 334-341.

    A.J.H. Vochteloo (Anne), S. Moerman (Sophie), W.E. Tuinebreijer (Wim), A.B. Maier (Andrea), M.R. de Vries (Mark), R.M. Bloem (Rolf), R.G.H.H. Nelissen (Rob) and P. Pilot (Peter)

    April 2013
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    The role of maternal perceptions and ethnic background in the mental health help-seeking pathway of adolescent girls Article

    Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 15(2), 292-299.

    I.J.E. Flink (Ilse), T.M.J. Beirens (Tinneke), D. Butte (Dick) and H. Raat (Hein)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Hypothyroidism compromises hypothalamic leptin signaling in mice Article

    Molecular Endocrinology, 27(4), 586-597.

    C. Groba (Claudia), S. Mayerl (Steffen), A.A.A. van Mol-van Mullem (Alies), T.J. Visser (Theo), V.M. Darras (Veerle), A.J. Habenicht (Andreas) and H. Heuer (Heike)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Large-scale genotyping identifies 41 new loci associated with breast cancer risk Article

    Nature Genetics, 45(4), 353-361.

    K. Michailidou (Kyriaki), P. Hall (Per), A. González-Neira (Anna), M. Ghoussaini (Maya), J. Dennis (Joe), R.L. Milne (Roger), M.K. Schmidt (Marjanka), J. Chang-Claude (Jenny), S.E. Bojesen (Stig), M.K. Bolla (Manjeet), et al. Q. Wang (Qing), E. Dicks (Ed), A. Lee (Andrew), C. Turnbull (Clare), N. Rahman (Nazneen), O. Fletcher (Olivia), J. Peto (Julian), L. Gibson (Lorna), I. dos Santos Silva (Isabel), H. Nevanlinna (Heli), T.A. Muranen (Taru), K. Aittomäki (Kristiina), C. Blomqvist (Carl), K. Czene (Kamila), A. Irwanto (Astrid), J. Liu (Jianjun), Q. Waisfisz (Quinten), E.J. Meijers-Heijboer (Hanne), M.A. Adank (Muriel), R.B. van der Luijt (Rob), R. Hein (Rebecca), N. Dahmen (N.), L. Beckman (Lars), A. Meindl (Alfons), R.K. Schmutzler (Rita), B. Müller-Myhsok (Bertram), P. Lichtner (Peter), J.L. Hopper (John), M.C. Southey (Melissa), E. Makalic (Enes), D.F. Schmidt (Daniel), A.G. Uitterlinden (André), A. Hofman (Albert), D. Hunter (David), S.J. Chanock (Stephen), D. Vincent (Daniel), F. Bacot (Francois), Y. Tessier (Yann), S. Canisius (Sander), L. Wessels (Lodewyk), C.A. Haiman (Christopher), M. Shah (Mitul), R.N. Luben (Robert), J. Brown (Judith), C. Luccarini (Craig), N. Schoof (Nils), M.K. Humphreys (Manjeet), J. Li (Jingmei), B.G. Nordestgaard (Børge), S.F. Nielsen (Sune), H. Flyger (Henrik), F.J. Couch (Fergus), X. Wang (Xing), C. Vachon (Celine), K. Stevens (Kristen), D. Lambrechts (Diether), M. Moisse (Matthieu), R. Paridaens (Robert), M.R. Christiaens (Marie Rose), A. Rudolph (Anja), S. Nickels (Stefan), D. Flesch-Janys (Dieter), N. Johnson (Nichola), Z. Aitken (Zoe), K. Aaltonen (Kirsimari), T. Heikinen (Tuomas), A. Broeks (Annegien), L.J. van 't Veer (Laura), C.E. van der Schoot (Ellen), P. Guénel (Pascal), T. Truong (Thérèse), P. Laurent-Puig (Pierre), F. Menegaux (Florence), F. Marme (Federick), A. Schneeweiss (Andreas), C. Sohn (Christof), B. Burwinkel (Barbara), M.P. Zamora (Pilar), J.I.A. Perez (Jose Ignacio Arias), G. Pita (Guillermo), M.R. Alonso (Rosario), A. Cox (Angela), I.W. Brock (Ian), S.S. Cross (Simon), M.W.R. Reed (Malcolm), E.J. Sawyer (Elinor), I. Tomlinson (Ian), M. Kerin (Michael), N. Miller (Nicola), B.E. Henderson (Brian), F.R. Schumacher (Fredrick), L. Le Marchand (Loic), I.L. Andrulis (Irene), J.A. Knight (Julia), G. Glendon (Gord), A.M. Mulligan (Anna Marie), A. Lindblom (Annika), S. Margolin (Sara), M.J. Hooning (Maartje), A. Hollestelle (Antoinette), A.M.W. van den Ouweland (Ans), A. Jager (Agnes), Q.M. Bui (Quang), J. Stone (Jennifer), G.S. Dite (Gillian), C. Apicella (Carmel), H. Tsimiklis (Helen), G.G. Giles (Graham), G. Severi (Gianluca), L. Baglietto (Laura), P.A. Fasching (Peter), L. Haeberle (Lothar), A.B. Ekici (Arif), M.W. Beckmann (Matthias), H. Brenner (Hermann), H. Müller (Heike), V. Arndt (Volker), C. Stegmaier (Christa), A.J. Swerdlow (Anthony ), A. Ashworth (Alan), N. Orr (Nick), M. Jones (Marta), J.D. Figueroa (Jonine), J. Lissowska (Jolanta), L.A. Brinton (Louise), M.S. Goldberg (Mark), F. Labrèche (France), M. Dumont (Martine), R. Winqvist (Robert), K. Pykäs (Katri), A. Jukkola-Vuorinen (Arja), M. Grip (Mervi), H. Brauch (Hiltrud), U. Hamann (Ute), T. Brüning (Thomas), P. Radice (Paolo), P. Peterlongo (Paolo), S. Manoukian (Siranoush), B. Bonnani (Bernardo), P. Devilee (Peter), R.A.E.M. Tollenaar (Rob), C.M. Seynaeve (Caroline), C.J. van Asperen (Christi), A. Jakubowska (Anna), J. Lubinski (Jan), K. Jaworska (Katarzyna), K. Durda (Katarzyna), A. Mannermaa (Arto), V. Kataja (Vesa), V-M. Kosma (Veli-Matti), J. Hartikainen (Jaana), N.V. Bogdanova (Natalia), N.N. Antonenkova (Natalia), T. Dörk (Thilo), V. Kristensen (Vessela), H. Anton-Culver (Hoda), S. Slager (Susan), A.E. Toland (Amanda), S. Edge (Stephen), F. Fostira (Florentia), D. Kang (Daehee), K-Y. Yoo (Keun-Young), D-Y. Noh (Dong-Young), K. Matsuo (Keitaro), H. Ito (Hidemi), H. Iwata (Hisato), A. Sueta (Aiko), A.H. Wu (Anna), C.-C. Tseng (Chiu), D. van den Berg (David), D.O. Stram (Daniel), X.-O. Shu (Xiao-Ou), W. Lu (Wei), Y.-T. Gao (Yu-Tang), H. Cai (Hui), S.-H. Teo (Soo-Hwang), C.H. Yip (Cheng Har), S.-Y. Phuah (Sze-Yee), B.K. Cornes (Belinda), J.M. Hartman (Joost), X. Miao, W.Y. Lim (Wei Yen), J.-H. Sng (Jen-Hwei), K.R. Muir (Kenneth), A. Lophatananon (Artitaya), S. Stewart-Brown (Sarah), P. Siriwanarangsan (Pornthep), C-Y. Shen (Chen-Yang), C.-N. Hsiung (Chia-Ni), P.-E. Wu (Pei-Ei), S.-L. Ding (Shian-Ling), S. Sangrajrang (Suleeporn), V. Gaborieau (Valerie), P. Brennan (Paul), J.D. McKay (James), W.J. Blot (William), L. Signorello (Lisa), Q. Cai (Qiuyin), W. Zheng (Wei), S.L. Deming-Halverson (Sandra), M. Shrubsole (Martha), J. Long (Jirong), J. Simard (Jacques), M. García-Closas (Montserrat), P.D.P. Pharoah (Paul), G. Chenevix-Trench (Georgia), A.M. Dunning (Alison), J. Benítez (Javier) and D.F. Easton (Douglas)

    April 2013
  • Efficacy of lenalidomide in refractory lupus pernio Article

    JAMA Dermatology, 149(4), 493-494.

    V.A.S.H. Dalm (Virgil) and P.M. van Hagen (Martin)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Seven new loci associated with age-related macular degeneration Article

    Nature Genetics, 45(4), 433-439.

    L.G. Fritsche (Lars), W. Chen (Wei), M. Schu (Matthew), B.L. Yaspan (Brian), Y. Yu (Yi), G. Thorleifsson (Gudmar), D.J. Zack (Donald), S. Arakawa (Satoshi), F. Cipriani (Francesco), S. Ripke (Stephan), et al. R.P. Igo Jr. (Robert), G.H.S. Buitendijk (Gabrielle), X. Sim (Xueling), D.E. Weeks (Daniel), R.H. Guymer (Robyn), J.E. Merriam (Joanna), P.J. Francis (Peter), G. Hannum (Gregory), A. Agarwal (Anita), A.-M. Armbrecht (Ana-Maria), I. Audo (Isabelle), T. Aung (Tin), G.R. Barile (Gaetano), M. Benchaboune (Mustapha), A.C. Bird (Alan), P.N. Bishop (Paul), K.E. Branham (Kari), M. Brooks (Matthew), W.H. Cade (William), M.S. Cain (Melinda), C.-C. Chan (Chi-Chao), C-Y. Cheng (Ching-Yu), E.Y. Chew (Emily), K.A. Chin (Kimberly), D.G. Clayton (David), R. Cojocaru (Radu), Y.P. Conley (Yvette), B.K. Cornes (Belinda), M.J. Daly (Mark), B. Dhillon (Baljean), A.O. Edwards (Albert), E. Evangelou (Evangelos), J. Fagerness (Jesen), H.A. Ferreyra (Henry), J.S. Friedman (James), A. Geirsdottir (Asbjorg), R.J. George (Ronnie), C. Gieger (Christian), N. Gupta (Neel), S.A. Hagstrom (Stephanie), S.P. Harding (Simon), C. Haritoglou (Christos), J.R. Heckenlively (John), G. Hughes (Guy), J.P.A. Ioannidis (John), T. Ishibashi (Tatsuro), P. Joseph (Peronne), Y. Kamatani (Yoichiro), N. Katsanis (Nicholas), C.N. Keilhauer (Claudia), J.C. Khan (Jane), I.K. Kim (Ivana), Y. Kiyohara (Yutaka), B.E.K. Klein (Barbara), J.L. Kovach (Jaclyn), I. Kozak (Igor), C.J. Lee (Clara), K.E. Lee (Kristine), P. Lichtner (Peter), A.J. Lotery (Andrew), T. Meitinger (Thomas), P. Mitchell (Paul), S. Mohand-Saïd (Saddek), A.T. Moore (Anthony), D.J. Morgan (Denise), M.A. Morrison (Margaux), C.E. Myers (Chelsea), A.C. Naj (Adam), Y. Nakamura (Yusuke), Y. Okada (Yukinori), A. Orlin (Anton), M.C. Ortube (M Carolina), M.I. Othman (Mohammad), K.H. Park (Kyu Hyung), G.J.T. Pauer (Gayle), N.S. Peachey (Neal ), O. Poch (Olivier), R. Ratna Priya (Rinki), R. Reynolds (Robyn), A.J. Richardson (Andrea), R. Ripp (Raymond), G. Rudolph (Guenther), J.-A. Sahel (José-Alain), D.A. Schaumberg (Debra), H.P.N. Scholl (Hendrik), S.M. Schwartz (Stephen), W.K. Scott (William), H. Sigurdsson (Haraldur), G. Silvestri (Giuliana), T.A. Sivakumaran (Theru), L. Sobrin (Lucia), E.H. Souied (Eric), D.E. Stambolian (Dwight), H. Stefansson (Hreinn), G.M. Sturgill-Short (Gwen), A. Takahashi (Atsushi), N. Tosakulwong (Nirubol), B.J. Truitt (Barbara), E.E. Tsironi (Evangelia), A.G. Uitterlinden (André), C.M. van Duijn (Cornelia), L. Vijaya (Lingam), J.R. Vingerling (Hans), E.N. Vithana (Eranga), A.R. Webster (Andrew), H.E. Wichmann (Heinz Erich), T.W. Winkler (Thomas), T.Y. Wong (Tien Yin), A.F. Wright (Alan), D. Zelenika (Diana), L. Zhao (Ling), M.L. Klein (Michael), G.S. Hageman (Gregory), G.M. Lathrop (Mark), R. Allikmets (Rando), P.N. Baird (Paul), J.J. Wang (Jie Jin), C.C.W. Klaver (Caroline), J.M. Seddon (Johanna), M.A. Pericak-Vance (Margaret), S.K. Iyengar (Sudha), J.R.W. Yates (John), A. Swaroop (Anand), M. Kubo (Michiaki), M.M. DeAngelis (Margaret), T. Léveillard (Thierry), U. Thorsteinsdottir (Unnur), J.L. Haines (Jonathan), L.A. Farrer (Lindsay), I.M. Heid (Iris), G.R. Abecasis (Gonçalo), A.J. Brucker (Alexander), P.A. Campochiaro (Peter), I. Chowers (Itay), F.G. Holz (Frank), G. Jun (Gyungah), C. Pappas (Chris), E. Ryu (Euijung), H. Shahid (Humma), R.T. Smith (Theodore), M. Zhang (Ming), K. Zhang (Kang), K. Stefansson (Kari), M.B. Gorin (Michael) and B.H.F. Weber (Bernhard)

    April 2013
  • Multiple independent variants at the TERT locus are associated with telomere length and risks of breast and ovarian cancer Article

    Nature Genetics, 45(4), 371-384.

    S.E. Bojesen (Stig), K.A. Pooley (Karen), S.E. Johnatty (Sharon), J. Beesley (Jonathan), K. Michailidou (Kyriaki), J.P. Tyrer (Jonathan), S.L. Edwards (Stacey), H.A. Pickett (Hilda), H.C. Shen (Howard), J. Smart (Joanne), et al. K.M. Hillman (Kristine), P.L. Mai (Phuong), K. Lawrenson (Kate), M.D. Stutz (Michael), Y. Lu (Yi), R. Karevan (Rod), N. Woods (Nicholas), R.L. Johnston (Rebecca), J.D. French (Juliet), X. Chen (Xiaoqing), M. Weischer (Maren), S.F. Nielsen (Sune), M. Maranian (Melanie), M. Ghoussaini (Maya), S. Ahmed (Shahana), C. Baynes (Caroline), M.K. Bolla (Manjeet), Q. Wang (Qing), J. Dennis (Joe), L. McGuffog (Lesley), D. Barrowdale (Daniel), A. Lee (Andrew), S. Healey (Sue), M. Lush (Michael), Y. Tessier (Yann), D. Vincent (Daniel), F. Bacot (Francois), I. Vergote (Ignace), S. Lambrechts (Sandrina), E. Despierre (Evelyn), H. Risch (Harvey), A. González-Neira (Anna), M.A. Rossing (Mary Anne), G. Pita (Guillermo), J.A. Doherty (Jennifer), N. Álvarez (Nuria), M.C. Larson (Melissa), B.L. Fridley (Brooke), N. Schoof (Nils), J. Chang-Claude (Jenny), M.S. Cicek (Mine), J. Peto (Julian), K.R. Kalli (Kimberly), A. Broeks (Annegien), S.M. Armasu (Sebastian), M.K. Schmidt (Marjanka), L.M. Braaf (Linde), B. Winterhoff (Boris), H. Nevanlinna (Heli), G.E. Konecny (Gottfried), D. Lambrechts (Diether), L. Rogmann (Lisa), P. Guénel (Pascal), A. Teoman (Attila), R.L. Milne (Roger), J.J. Garcia (Joaquin), A. Cox (Angela), V. Shridhar (Vijayalakshmi), B. Burwinkel (Barbara), F. Marme (Federick), R. Hein (Rebecca), E.J. Sawyer (Elinor), C.A. Haiman (Christopher), S. Wang-Gohrke (Shan), I.L. Andrulis (Irene), K.B. Moysich (Kirsten), J.L. Hopper (John), K. Odunsi (Kunle), A. Lindblom (Annika), G.G. Giles (Graham), H. Brenner (Hermann), J. Simard (Jacques), G. Lurie (Galina), P.A. Fasching (Peter), M.E. Carney (Michael), P. Radice (Paolo), L.R. Wilkens (Lynne), A.J. Swerdlow (Anthony ), M.T. Goodman (Marc), H. Brauch (Hiltrud), M. García-Closas (Montserrat), P. 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Bidzinski (Mariusz), S. Kauppila (Saila), A. Hollestelle (Antoinette), C.M. Seynaeve (Caroline), R.A.E.M. Tollenaar (Rob), K. Durda (Katarzyna), K. Jaworska (Katarzyna), J. Hartikainen (Jaana), V-M. Kosma (Veli-Matti), V. Kataja (Vesa), N.N. Antonenkova (Natalia), J. Long (Jirong), M. Shrubsole (Martha), S.L. Deming-Halverson (Sandra), A. Lophatananon (Artitaya), P. Siriwanarangsan (Pornthep), S. Stewart-Brown (Sarah), N. Ditsch (Nina), P. Lichtner (Peter), R.K. Schmutzler (Rita), H. Ito (Hidemi), H. Iwata (Hisato), K. Tajima (Kazuo), C.-C. Tseng (Chiu-Chen), D.O. Stram (Daniel), D. van den Berg (David), C.H. Yip (Cheng Har), M.K. Ikram (Kamran), Y.-C. Teh (Yew-Ching), H. Cai (Hui), W. Lu (Wei), L. Signorello (Lisa), Q. Cai (Qiuyin), D-Y. Noh (Dong-Young), K-Y. Yoo (Keun-Young), X. Miao, P.T.-C. Iau (Philip Tsau-Choong), Y.Y. Teo (Yik Ying), J.D. McKay (James), C.L. Shapiro (C.), F. Ademuyiwa (Foluso), G. Fountzilas (George), C.-N. Hsiung (Chia-Ni), J-C. Yu (Jyh-Cherng), M.-F. Hou (Ming-Feng), S. Healey (Sue), C. Luccarini (Craig), S. Peock (Susan), D. Stoppa-Lyonnet (Dominique), P. Peterlongo (Paolo), R. Rebbeck (Timothy), M. Piedmonte (Marion), C.F. Singer (Christian), E. Friedman (Eitan), M. Thomassen (Mads), K. Offit (Kenneth), T.V.O. Hansen (Thomas), S.L. Neuhausen (Susan), C. Szabo (Csilla), I. Blanco (Ignacio), J. Garber, S. Narod (Steven), J.N. Weitzel (Jeffrey), M. Montagna (Marco), E. Olah, A.K. Godwin (Andrew), D. Yannoukakos (Drakoulis), D. Goldgar (David), T. Caldes (Trinidad), E.N. Imyanitov (Evgeny), L. Tihomirova (Laima), B.K. Arun (Banu), I. Campbell (Ian), A.R. Mensenkamp (Arjen), C.J. van Asperen (Christi), K.E. van Roozendaal (Kees), E.J. Meijers-Heijboer (Hanne), J.M. Collée (Margriet), J.C. Oosterwijk (Jan), M.J. Hooning (Maartje), M.A. Rookus (Matti), R.B. van der Luijt (Rob), T.A.M. Os (Theo A. Mvan), D.G. Evans (Gareth), D. Frost (Debra), E. Fineberg (Elena), J. Barwell (Julian), L.J. Walker (Lisa), M.J. Kennedy (John), R. 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Laitman (Yael), A.-B. Skytte (Anne-Bine), T.A. Kruse (Torben), U.B. Jensen, M. Robson (Mark), A-M. Gerdes (Anne-Marie), B. Ejlertsen (Bent), L. Foretova (Lenka), S.A. Savage (Sharon), K.J. Lester (Kathryn), P. Soucy (Penny), K.B. Kuchenbaecker (Karoline), C. Olswold (Curtis), J.M. Cunningham (Julie), S. Slager (Susan), V.S. Pankratz (Shane), E. Dicks (Ed), S. Lakhani (Sunil), F.J. Couch (Fergus), A.S. Hall (Alistair), A.N.A. Monteiro (Alvaro N.), S.A. Gayther (Simon), P.D.P. Pharoah (Paul), H.K. Reddel, E.L. Goode (Ellen), M.H. Greene (Mark), D.F. Easton (Douglas), A. Berchuck (Andrew), A.C. Antoniou (Antonis), G. Chenevix-Trench (Georgia), A.M. Dunning (Alison) and G. Yang (Gong)

    April 2013
  • "Tree in bud" attributable to organising pneumonia Note

    E.M.T. Bots (Eva), M.A. den Bakker (Michael), M.S. Wijsenbeek-Lourens (Marlies), L.M. van den Toorn (Leon) and B. van den Blink (Bernt)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Increased paternal age and the influence on burden of genomic copy number variation in the general population Article

    Human Genetics, 132(4), 443-450.

    J.E. Buizer-Voskamp (Jacobine), H.M. Blauw (Hylke), M.P.M. Boks (Marco), K.R. van Eijk (Kristel), J.H. Veldink (Jan), R.C.M. Hennekam (Raoul), J.A.S. Vorstman, F. Mulder (Flip), H.W. Tiemeier (Henning), A.G. Uitterlinden (André), et al. L.A.L.M. Kiemeney (Bart), L.H. van den Berg (Leonard), R.S. Kahn (René), C. Sabatti (Chiara) and R.A. Ophoff (Roel)

    April 2013
  • Genome-wide association studies identify four ER negative-specific breast cancer risk loci Article

    Nature Genetics, 45(4), 392-398.

    M. García-Closas (Montserrat), F.J. Couch (Fergus), S. Lindstrom (Stephen), K. Michailidou (Kyriaki), M.K. Schmidt (Marjanka), R.H. Brook, N. Orr (Nick), S.K. Rhie (Suhn Kyong), E. Riboli (Elio), H.S. Feigelson, et al. L. Le Marchand (Loic), J.E. Buring (Julie), D. Eccles (Diana), P. Miron (Penelope), P.A. Fasching (Peter), H. Brauch (Hiltrud), J. Chang-Claude (Jenny), T.A. Carpenter (Adrian), A.K. Godwin (Andrew), H. Nevanlinna (Heli), G.G. Giles (Graham), A. Cox (Angela), J.L. Hopper (John), M.K. Bolla (Manjeet), Q. Wang (Qing), J. Dennis (Joe), E. Dicks (Ed), W.J. Howat (Will), N. Schoof (Nils), S.E. Bojesen (Stig), D. Lambrechts (Diether), A. Broeks (Annegien), I.L. Andrulis (Irene), P. Guénel (Pascal), B. Burwinkel (Barbara), E.J. Sawyer (Elinor), A. Hollestelle (Antoinette), O. Fletcher (Olivia), R. Winqvist (Robert), H. Brenner (Hermann), A. Mannermaa (Arto), U. Hamann (Ute), A. Meindl (Alfons), A. Lindblom (Annika), W. Zheng (Wei), P. Devillee (Peter), M.S. Goldberg (Mark), J. Lubinski (Jan), V. Kristensen (Vessela), A.J. Swerdlow (Anthony ), H. Anton-Culver (Hoda), T. Dörk (Thilo), K.R. Muir (Kenneth), K. Matsuo (Keitaro), A.H. Wu (Anna), P. Radice (Paolo), S.-H. Teo (Soo-Hwang), X.-O. Shu (Xiao-Ou), W.J. Blot (William), D. Kang (Daehee), J.M. Hartman (Joost), S. Sangrajrang (Suleeporn), C-Y. Shen (Chen-Yang), M.C. Southey (Melissa), D.J. Park (Daniel), F. Hammet (Fleur), J. Stone (Jennifer), L.J. van 't Veer (Laura), E.J.T. Rutgers (Emiel), A. Lophatananon (Artitaya), S. Stewart-Brown (Sarah), P. Siriwanarangsan (Pornthep), J. Peto (Julian), A. Schrauder (André), A.B. Ekici (Arif), M.W. Beckmann (Matthias), I. dos Santos Silva (Isabel), N. Johnson (Nichola), H. Warren (Helen), I.P. Tomlinson (Ian), M. Kerin (Michael), N. Miller (Nicola), F. Marme (Federick), A. Schneeweiss (Andreas), C. Sohn (Christof), T. Truong (Thérèse), P. Laurent-Puig (Pierre), P. Kerbrat (Pierre), B.G. Nordestgaard (Børge), S.F. Nielsen (Sune), H. 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Henderson (Brian), F.R. Schumacher (Fredrick), N.V. Bogdanova (Natalia), F. Labrèche (France), M. Dumont (Martine), C.H. Yip (Cheng Har), N.A.M. Taib (Nur Aishah Mohd), C-Y. Cheng (Ching-Yu), M. Shrubsole (Martha), J. Long (Jirong), K. Pykäs (Katri), A. Jukkola-Vuorinen (Arja), S. Kauppila (Saila), J.A. Knight (Julia), G. Glendon (Gord), A.M. Mulligan (Anna Marie), R.A.E.M. Tollenaar (Rob), C.M. Seynaeve (Caroline), M. Kriege (Mieke), M.J. Hooning (Maartje), A.M.W. van den Ouweland (Ans), C.H.M. van Deurzen (Carolien), W. Lu (Wei), Y.-T. Gao (Yu-Tang), H. Cai (Hui), S. Balasubramanian (Sabapathy), S.S. Cross (Simon), M.W.R. Reed (Malcolm), L. Signorello (Lisa), Q. Cai (Qiuyin), M. Shah (Mitul), X. Miao, C.W. Chan (Ching Wan), K.S. Chia (Kee Seng), A. Jakubowska (Anna), K. Jaworska (Katarzyna), K. Durda (Katarzyna), C.-N. Hsiung (Chia-Ni), P.-E. Wu (Pei-Ei), J-C. Yu (Jyh-Cherng), A. Ashworth (Alan), M. Jones (Marta), Y. Tessier (Yann), A. González-Neira (Anna), G. 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Haiman (Christopher) and P. Kraft (Peter)

    April 2013
  • Differences in proximal serrated polyp detection among endoscopists are associated with variability in withdrawal time Article

    Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 77(4), 617-623.

    T.R. de Wijkerslooth (Thomas), E. Stoop (Esther), P.M.M. Bossuyt (Patrick), K.M.A.J. Tytgat (Kristien), J. Dees (Jan), E.M.H. Mathus-Vliegen (Elisabeth), E.J. Kuipers (Ernst), P. Fockens (Paul), M.E. van Leerdam (Monique) and E. Dekker (Evelien)

    April 2013
  • Effect of bar-code-assisted medication administration on medication administration errors Article

    American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 70(7), 572-573.

    J. Hassink (Jan), M.D.-V. Essenberg (Marjolijn Duisenberg-Van), J.A. Roukema and P.M.L.A. van den Bemt (Patricia)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Treatment with lenalidomide in myelodysplastic syndromes with deletion 5q Results from the Dutch named patient program Article

    Leukemia and Lymphoma, 54(4), 874-877.

    I. Abouyahya (Imane), C. Alhan (Canan), T.M. Westers (Theresia), P.A.W. te Boekhorst (Peter), M.C. Kappers-Klunne (Mies), J.L.L.M. Coenen (Jules), F.H. Heyning (Fenna), G. Huls (Gerwin), J.T. de Wolf (Joost), B.P. Imholz (Ben), et al. H.R. Koene (Harry), G. Veth (Gerda), E.-J.F.M. de Kruijf (Evert-Jan F.), P. Muus (P.), E.V. Planken (Erwin), C.M. Segeren (Christine), W.L. Vasmel (Wies), A.M.T. van der Velden, F.P. Velders (Fleur), J. Koedam (Jan), G.J. Ossenkoppele (Gert) and A.A. van de Loosdrecht (Arjan)

    April 2013
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    War and the Fiscal Capacity of the State Research Paper


    Chowdhury, A.R. and S.M. Murshed (Syed)

    April 2013
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  • De relatie tussen kwaliteit van leven, tevredenheid met zorg en self-efficacy bij adolescenten met diabetes Article

    Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Diabetologie, 11(2), 544-59.

    J.M. Cramm (Jane), M.M.H. Strating (Mathilde), H.M. Sonneveld (Henk) and A.P. Nieboer (Anna)

    April 2013
  • Strategies of complexity leadership in governance systems Article

    International Review of Public Administration, 18(1), 25-40.

    C.J.A.M. Termeer (Catrien)

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    April 2013
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  • Het belang van sociale cohesie en sociaal kapitaal in de buurt voor het welzijn van ouderen Article

    Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie, 44(2), 50-58.

    J.M. Cramm (Jane), H.M. van Dijk (Hanna) and A.P. Nieboer (Anna)

    April 2013
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    Gezamenlijk beslissen is beter, in veel opzichten Article

    KiZ Kwaliteit in Zorg, 2013(3), 7-7.

    R. Huijsman (Robbert)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Social deprivation and adverse perinatal outcomes among Western and non-Western pregnant women in a Dutch urban population Article

    Social Science & Medicine, 42-49.

    V.J.J. Poeran (Jashvant), A.F.G. Maas (Arno), E. Birnie (Erwin), S. Denktaş (Semiha), E.A.P. Steegers (Eric) and G.J. Bonsel (Gouke)

    April 2013
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    Values Connecting Societies and Water Systems Book Chapter

    J.A. van Ast (Jacko), J.J. Bouma (Jan Jaap) and M. Bal (Mansee)

    April 2013
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    Annotatie bij uitspraak Hoge Raad 1 februari 2013, nr. 11/05047, LJN BY188o Annotation

    E.F.V. Boot (Emilie) and G.W. van der Voet (Gerdien)

    April 2013
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  • April 2013
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  • The importance of neighborhood social cohesion and social capital for the well being of older adults in the community Article

    Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie, 44(2), 50-58.

    J.M. Cramm (Jane), H.M. van Dijk (Hanna) and A.P. Nieboer (Anna)

    April 2013
  • A Phase I, open-label, dose escalation study of afatinib, in a 3-week-on/1-week-off schedule in patients with advanced solid tumors Article

    Investigational New Drugs: the journal of new anti-cancer agents, 31(2), 399-408.

    J.H. Marshall (Jeffery), J. Hwang (Jimmy), F.A.L.M. Eskens (Ferry), H. Burger (Herman), S. Malik (Sajid), M. Uttenreuther-Fischer (Martina), P. Stopfer, M. Ould-Kaci (Mahmoud), R.B. Cohen (Roger) and N.L. Lewis (Nancy)

    April 2013
  • Prospective long-term follow up of children with anorectal malformation: Growth and development until 5 years of age Article

    Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 48(4), 818-825.

    D. van den Hondel (Desiree), C.E.J. Sloots (Pim), S.J. Gischler (Saskia), C.J.H.M. Meeussen (Conny ), R.M.H. Wijnen (René) and H. IJsselstijn (Hanneke)

    April 2013
  • Colonoscopy and μPET/CT are valid techniques to monitor inflammation in the adoptive transfer colitis model in mice Article

    Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 19(5), 967-976.

    M. Heylen (Marthe), S. Deleye (Steven), J.G. de Man (Joris), N.E. Ruyssers (Nathalie), W. Vermeulen (Wim), S. Stroobants (Sigrid), P. Pelckmans (Paul), T.G. Moreels, S. Staelens (Steven) and B.Y. de Winter (Benedicte)

    April 2013
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    Disruption of TTDA Results in Complete Nucleotide Excision Repair Deficiency and Embryonic Lethality Article

    PL o S Genetics (Online), 9(4)

    A.F. Theil (Arjan), J. Nonnekens (Julie), B. Steurer (Barbara), P.O. Mari (Pierre-Olivier), J. de Wit (Jan), C. Lemaitre (Charlène), J.A. Marteijn (Jurgen), A. Raams (Anja), A. Maas (Alex), M. Vermeij (Marcel), et al. J. Essers (Jeroen), J.H.J. Hoeijmakers (Jan), G. Giglia-Mari (Giuseppina) and W. Vermeulen (Wim)

    April 2013
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  • Three Worlds of Welfare Chauvinism? How Welfare Regimes Affect Support for Distributing Welfare to Immigrants in Europe Article

    Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 15(2), 164-181.

    J. van der Waal (Jeroen), W. de Koster (Willem) and W. van Oorschot (Wim)

    April 2013
  • Long-term outcome of kidney transplantation in patients with a urinary conduit: A case-control study Article

    International Urology and Nephrology, 45(2), 405-411.

    I.K.B. Slagt (Inez), J.N.M. IJzermans (Jan), M. Alamyar (Mustafa), P.C.M.S. Verhagen (Paul), W. Weimar (Willem), J.I. Roodnat (Joke) and T. Terkivatan (Türkan)

    April 2013
  • Longitudinal relation between weight change and quality of life in a community-based population: A prospective cohort study Article

    European Journal of Public Health, 23(2), 285-290.

    S.P.J. Verkleij (Saskia ), M.C. Adriaanse (Marcel), G.C.W. Wendel-Vos (Wanda) and A.J. Schuit (Jantine)

    April 2013
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    Maintaining success, reducing treatment burden, focusing on survivorship: Highlights from the third European Consensus Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment of Germ-Cell Cancer Review

    J. Beyer (Jörg), P. Albers (Peter), R. Altena (Renske), J. Aparicio (Jorge), C. Bokemeyer, J. Busch (Jamie), R. Cathomas (Richard), E. Cavallin-Stahl (Eva), N.W. Clarke (Noel), J. Claßen (Johannes), et al. G. Cohn-Cedermark (Gabriella), A.A. Dahl, G. Daugaard (Gedske), U. de Giorgi (Ugo), M. de Santis (Maria), M. De Wit (Meike), R. de Wit (Ronald), K.P. Dieckmann, M. Fenner (Martin), K. Fizazi (Karim), A. Flechon (Aude), S.D. Fossa (Sophie), J.R. Germá Lluch (José Ramón), J.A. Gietema (Jourik), S. Gillessen (Silke), A. Giwercman (Aleksander), J.T. Hartmann, A. Heidenreich (Axel), M. Hentrich (Marcus), F.U. Honecker (Friedemann), A. Horwich, R.A. Huddart (Robbert), S. Kliesch (Sabine), C. Kollmannsberger (Christian), S. Krege (Susanne), M.P. Laguna (Maria Pilar), L.H.J. Looijenga (Leendert), A. Lorch (Anja), J.P. Lotz (Jean Pierre), F. Mayer, A. Necchi (Andrea), N. Nicolai (Nicola), J. Nuver (Janine), K. Oechsle (Karin), J. Oldenburg (Jan), J.W. Oosterhuis (Wolter), T. Powles (Tom), E. Rajpert-De Meyts (Ewa), O. Rick (Oliver), G. Rosti (Giovanni), R. Salvioni (Roberto), C.G. Winter (Christopher) and C. Wittekind (Christian)

    April 2013
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    Employability, empowerment and employers, between debunking and appreciating action: Nine cases from the ICT sector Article

    International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(8), 1613-1628.

    H.D. Pruijt (Hans)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Consequences of inflammatory arthritis for workplace productivity loss and sick leave: A systematic review Review

    M.L.B. Lenssinck (Marie-Louise), A. Burdorf (Alex), A. Boonen (Annelies), M.A. Gignac (Monique), J.M.W. Hazes (Mieke) and J.J. Luime (Jolanda)

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  • April 2013
  • Sociality in Diverse Societies: A Regional Analysis Across European Countries Article

    Social Indicators Research: an international and interdisciplinary journal for quality-of-life measurement, 111(2), 579-601.

    F. Koster (Ferry)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Esophageal Stents in Malignant and Benign Disorders Article

    Current Gastroenterology Reports (Print), 15(4), 1-9.

    P. Didden (Paul), M.C.W. Spaander (Manon), M.J. Bruno (Marco) and E.J. Kuipers (Ernst)

    April 2013
  • Identification of a potential physiological precursor of aberrant cells in Refractory coeliac disease type II Article

    Gut (English Edition): an international journal of gastroenterology & hepatology, 62(4), 509-519.

    F. Schmitz (Frederike), J.M.L. Tjon (Jennifer), Y. Lai (Yuching), A. Thompson, Y. Kooy-Winkelaar (Yvonne), R.J.L.F. Lemmers (Richard), H.W. Verspaget, M.L. Mearin (Maria Luisa), F.J.T. Staal (Frank), M.W.J. Schreurs (Marco), et al. T. Cupedo (Tom), A.W. Langerak (Anton), C.J.J. Mulder (Chris), J. van Bergen (Jeroen) and F. Koning (Frits)

    April 2013
  • PRAF2 stimulates cell proliferation and migration and predicts poor prognosis in neuroblastoma Article

    International Journal of Clinical Oncology, 42(4), 1408-1416.

    L.P. Yco (Lisette), D. Geerts (Dirk), J. Koster (Jan) and A.S. Bachmann (André)

    April 2013
  • A calculator for prostate cancer risk 4 years after an initially negative screen: Findings from erspc rotterdam Article

    European Urology : Official Journal of the European Association of Urology, 63(4), 627-633.

    M.J. Roobol-Bouts (Monique), X.D. Zhu (Xiaoye), F.H. Schröder (Fritz), G.J.H.L. Leenders (Geert), R.H.N. van Schaik (Ron), C.H. Bangma (Chris) and E.W. Steyerberg (Ewout)

    April 2013
  • Active surveillance for low-risk prostate cancer worldwide: The PRIAS study Article

    European Urology : Official Journal of the European Association of Urology, 63(4), 597-603.

    M. Bul (Meelan), X.D. Zhu (Xiaoye), R. Valdagni (Riccardo), T. Pickles (Tom), Y. Kakehi (Yoshiyuki), A.S. Rannikko (Antti), A. Bjartell (Anders), D.K. van der Schoot (Deric), E.B. Cornel (Erik), G. Conti (Giario), et al. E.R. Boeve, F. Staerman (Frederic), J.J. Vis-Maters (Jenneke), H. Vergunst (Henk), J.J. Jaspars (Joris), P. Strölin (Petra), E.H. van Muilekom (Erik), F.H. Schröder (Fritz), C.H. Bangma (Chris) and M.J. Roobol-Bouts (Monique)

    April 2013
  • DFMO/eflornithine inhibits migration and invasion downstream of MYCN and involves p27Kip1 activity in neuroblastoma Article

    International Journal of Clinical Oncology, 42(4), 1219-1228.

    D.L.T. Koomoa (Dana-Lynn), D. Geerts (Dirk), I. Lange (Ingo), J. Koster (Jan), A.E. Pegg (Anthony), D.J. Feith (David) and A.S. Bachmann (André)

    April 2013
  • Successful long-term triple disease control by ustekinumab in a patient with Behçet's disease, psoriasis and hidradenitis suppurativa Article

    Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases: an international peer-reviewed journal for health professionals and researchers in the rheumatic diseases, 72(4), 626-627.

    E.M. Baerveldt (Ewout M.), J.H. Kappen (Jasper), H.B. Thio (Bing), J.A.M. van Laar (Jan), P.M. van Hagen (Martin) and E.P. Prens (Errol)

    April 2013
  • Statins, systemic inflammation and risk of death in COPD: The Rotterdam study Article

    Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 26(2), 212-217.

    L. Lahousse (Lies), D.W. Loth (Daan), G.F. Joos (Guy), B. Hofman, H.G.M. Leufkens (Hubert), G.G. Brusselle (Guy) and B.H.Ch. Stricker (Bruno)

    April 2013
  • Precancerous lesions in the stomach: From biology to clinical patient management Article

    Best Practice and Research in Clinical Gastroenterology, 27(2), 205-223.

    M. Rugge (Massimo), L.G. Capelle (Lisette), R. Cappellesso (Rocco), D. Nitti (Donato) and E.J. Kuipers (Ernst)

    April 2013
  • A proposal for a simplified MASCC score Article

    Supportive Care in Cancer, 21(4), 915-916.

    J.C.A. Wierema (Jasmijn) and M. Links (Matthew)

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  • Unique cardiac Purkinje fiber transient outward current β-subunit composition: A potential molecular link to idiopathic ventricular fibrillation Article

    Circulation Research, 112(10), 1310-1322.

    L. Xiao (Ling), T.T. Koopmann (Tamara), B. Ördög (Balázs), P.G. Postema (Pieter), A.O. Verkerk (Arie ), V. Iyer (Vivek), K.J. Sampson (Kevin), G.J.J. Boink (Gerard), M.A. Mamarbachi (Maya), A. Varro (Andras), et al. L.J.L.M. Jordaens (Luc), J. Res (Jan), R.S. Kass (Robert), A.A.M. Wilde (Arthur), C.R. Bezzina (Connie) and S. Nattel (Stanley)

    April 2013
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  • Variation in medication use in cancer patients at the end of life: A cross-sectional analysis Article

    Supportive Care in Cancer, 21(4), 1003-1011.

    N.J.H. Raijmakers (Natasja), C. van Zuylen (Lia), C.J. Furst, M. Beccaro, L. Maiorana, P. Pilastri, C. Rossi (Cesare), G. Flego, A. van der Heide (Agnes) and M. Costantini

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    The role of authenticity in electoral social media campaigns Article

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    G. Grow (Gabrielle) and J.R. Ward (Janelle)

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  • Tentative Evidence for Striatal Hyperactivity in Adolescent Cannabis-Using Boys: A Cross-Sectional Multicenter fMRI Study Article

    Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 45(2), 156-167.

    G.J. Jager (Gerry), R.I. Block (Robert), M. Luijten (Maartje) and N.F. Ramsey (Nick)

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  • April 2013
  • Treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma with CAIX CAR-engineered T cells: Clinical evaluation and management of on-target toxicity Article

    Molecular Therapy, 21(4), 904-912.

    C.H.J. Lamers (Cor), S. Sleijfer (Stefan), S.C.L. van Steenbergen, P.M.M.L. van Elzakker (Pascal), B.A. van Krimpen (Brigitte), C. Groot (Corrien), A.G. Vulto (Arnold), M.A. den Bakker (Michael), E. Oosterwijk (E.), J.E.M.A. Debets (Reno), et al. J.W. Gratama (Jan-Willem)

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  • Tournament incentives in the field: Gender differences in the workplace Article

    Journal of Labor Economics, 31(2), 305-326.

    J. Delfgaauw (Josse), A.J. Dur (Robert), J. Sol (Joeri) and W.J.M.I. Verbeke (Willem)

    April 2013