• April 2013
  • Verrazano narrows storm surge barrier: A Dutch vision Conference Paper

    P.L.M. Jansen (Peter) and P. Dircke

    April 2013
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    April 2013
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    Memory Self-efficacy after Stroke Dissertation

    Department of Psychiatry

    L. Aben (Laurien)

    April 2013
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    Not Willing, Not Able: Causes of Measurement Error in Business Surveys Research Paper

    (no. ERS-2013-004-ORG) ERIM Report Series Research in Management

    D. Giesen (Deirdre) and A. Hak (Tony)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Flow-to-volume "dysanapsis" in cystic fibrosis Article

    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 187(8)

    P.H. Quanjer (Philip), A. Bush (Andrew) and P. Aurora (Paul)

    April 2013
  • Characteristics of lung cancers detected by computer tomography screening in the randomized NELSON trial Article

    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 187(8), 848-854.

    N. Horeweg (Nanda), C.M. van der Aalst (Carlijn), E. Thunnissen (Erik), K. Nackaerts (Kristiaan), C. Weenink (Carla), H.J.M. Groen (Henk), J.-W.J. Lammers (Jan-Willem), J.G.J.V. Aerts (Joachim), E.T. Scholten (Ernst), J.M. van Rosmalen (Joost), et al. W.P. Mali (Willem), M. Oudkerk (Matthijs) and H.J. de Koning (Harry)

    April 2013
    open access
  • SQL-1, homologue of the Golgi protein GMAP210, modulates intraflagellar transport in C. elegans Article

    Journal of Cell Science, 126(8), 1785-1795.

    J.R. Broekhuis (Joost), S. Rademakers (Suzanne), J.A. Burghoorn (Jan) and G. Jansen (Gert)

    April 2013
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    Genome-Wide Association Study in BRCA1 Mutation Carriers Identifies Novel Loci Associated with Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk Article

    PL o S Genetics (Online), 9(3)

    F.J. Couch (Fergus), L. McGuffog (Lesley), A. Lee (Andrew), C. Olswold (Curtis), K.B. Kuchenbaecker (Karoline), P. Soucy (Penny), Z. Fredericksen (Zachary), D. Barrowdale (Daniel), J. Dennis (Joe), M.M. Gaudet (Mia), et al. E. Dicks (Ed), M. Kosel (Matthew), S. Healey (Sue), O. Sinilnikova (Olga), F. Bacot (Francois), D. Vincent (Daniel), F.B.L. Hogervorst (Frans), S. Peock (Susan), D. Stoppa-Lyonnet (Dominique), A. Jakubowska (Anna), P. Radice (Paolo), R.K. Schmutzler (Rita), S.M. Domchek (Susan), M. Piedmonte (Marion), C.F. Singer (Christian), E. Friedman (Eitan), M. Thomassen (Mads), T.V.O. Hansen (Thomas), S.L. Neuhausen (Susan), C. Szabo (Csilla), I. Blanco (Ignacio), M.H. Greene (Mark), B.Y. Karlan (Beth), J. Garber, C. Phelan (Catherine), J.N. Weitzel (Jeffrey), M. Montagna (Marco), E. Olah, I.L. Andrulis (Irene), A.K. Godwin (Andrew), D. Yannoukakos (Drakoulis), D. Goldgar (David), T. Caldes (Trinidad), H. Nevanlinna (Heli), A. Osorio (Ana), M.-B. Terry (Mary-Beth), M.B. Daly (Mary), E.J. van Rensburg (Elizabeth), U. Hamann (Ute), S.J. Ramus (Susan), A. Ewart-Toland (Amanda), M.A. Caligo (Maria), O.I. Olopade (Olofunmilayo), N. Tung (Nadine), K. Claes (Kathleen), M.S. Beattie (Mary), M.C. Southey (Melissa), E.N. Imyanitov (Evgeny), M. Tischkowitz (Marc), R. Janavicius (Ramunas), E.M. John (Esther), A. Kwong (Ava), O. Diez (Orland), J. Balmana (Judith), R.B. Barkardottir (Rosa), B.K. Arun (Banu), G. Rennert (Gad), S.-H. Teo (Soo-Hwang), P.A. Ganz (Patricia), I. Campbell (Ian), A.H. van der Hout (Annemarie), C.H.M. van Deurzen (Carolien), C.M. Seynaeve (Caroline), E.B. Gómez García (Encarna), F.E. van Leeuwen (Flora), H. Meijers-Heijboer (Hanne), J.J. Gille (Johan), M.G.E.M. Ausems (Margreet), M.J. Blok (Marinus), M.J. Ligtenberg (Marjolijn), M.A. Rookus (Matti), P. Devilee (Peter), S. Verhoef, T.A.M. van Os (Theo), J.T. Wijnen (Juul), D. Frost (Debra), S. Ellis (Steve), E. Fineberg (Elena), R. Platte (Radka), D.G. Evans (Gareth), L. Izatt (Louise), R. Eeles (Rosalind), J.W. Adlard (Julian), D. Eccles (Diana), J. Cook (Jackie), C. Brewer (C.), F. Douglas (Fiona), S.V. Hodgson (Shirley), P.J. Morrison (Patrick), L. Side (Lucy), A. Donaldson (Alan), C. Houghton (Catherine), M.T. Rogers (Mark), H. Dorkins (Huw), J. Eason (Jacqueline), H. Gregory (Helen), E. McCann (Emma), A. Murray (Alexandra), A. Calender (Alain), A. Hardouin (Agnès), P. Berthet (Pascaline), C.D. Delnatte (Capucine), C. Nogues (Catherine), C. Lasset (Christine), C. Houdayer (Claude), D. Leroux (Dominique), E. Rouleau (Etienne), F. Prieur (Fabienne), F. Damiola (Francesca), H. Sobol (Hagay), I. Coupier (Isabelle), L. Vénat-Bouvet (Laurence), L. Castera (Laurent), M. Gauthier-Villars (Marion), M. Léone (Mélanie), P. Pujol (Pascal), S. Mazoyer (Sylvie), Y.-J. Bignon (Yves-Jean), E. Złowocka-Perłowska (Elzbieta), J. Gronwald (Jacek), J. Lubinski (Jan), K. Durda (Katarzyna), K. Jaworska (Katarzyna), T. Huzarski (Tomasz), A.B. Spurdle (Amanda), A. Viel (Alessandra), B. 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    April 2013
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  • April 2013
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    Pandemic Influenza A Viruses Escape from Restriction by Human MxA through Adaptive Mutations in the Nucleoprotein Article

    PL o S Pathogens (Online), 9(3)

    B. Mänz (Benjamin), D. Dornfeld (Dominik), H.M. Götz (Hannelore), R. Zell (Roland), P. Zimmermann (Petra), O. Haller (Otto), G. Kochs (George) and M. Schwemmle (Martin)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Second-and third-trimester placental hemodynamics and the risks of pregnancy complications Article

    American Journal of Epidemiology, 177(8), 743-754.

    R. Gaillard (Romy), L.R. Arends (Lidia), E.A.P. Steegers (Eric), A. Hofman (Albert) and V.W.V. Jaddoe (Vincent)

    April 2013
  • CD44 and OTP are strong prognostic markers for pulmonary carcinoids Article

    Clinical Cancer Research, 19(8), 2197-2207.

    H.G. Swarts, M.E.R. Henfling (Mieke E.), L. van Neste (Leander), R-J. van Suylen (Robert-Jan), A.M.C. Dingemans (Anne-Marie), W.N.M. Dinjens (Winand), A. Haesevoets (Annick), M. Rudelius (Martina), E. Thunnissen (Erik), M. Volante (Marco), et al. W. van Criekinge (Wim), M. van Engeland (Manon), F.C.S. Ramaekers (Franks) and E.J. Speel (Ernst-Jan)

    April 2013
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    Alterations in Peripheral Blood B Cell Subsets and Dynamics of B Cell Responses during Human Schistosomiasis Article

    PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 7(3)

    D. Labuda (Damian), U. Ateba-Ngoa (Ulysse), E.N. Feugap (Eliane Ngoune), J.J. Heeringa (Jorn), L.E.P.M. van der Vlugt (Luciën), N.M.M. Pires (Nuno), L. Mewono (Ludovic), P.G. Kremsner (Peter), M.C. van Zelm (Menno), A.A. Adegnika (Ayola), et al. M. Yazdanbakhsh (Maria) and H.H. Smits (Hermelijn)

    April 2013
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    Plasminogen Controls Inflammation and Pathogenesis of Influenza Virus Infections via Fibrinolysis Article

    PL o S Pathogens (Online), 9(3)

    F. Berri (Fatma), G.F. Rimmelzwaan (Guus), M. Hanss (Michel), E. Albina (Emmanuel), M.-L. Foucault-Grunenwald (Marie-Laure), V.B. Lê (Vuong), S.E. Vogelzang-van Trierum (Stella ), P. Gil (Patrica), E. Camerer (Eric), D. Martinez (Dominique), et al. B. Lina (Bruno), H.R. Lijnen, P. Carmeliet (Peter) and B. Riteau (Béatrice)

    April 2013
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    Identification of a BRCA2-Specific Modifier Locus at 6p24 Related to Breast Cancer Risk Article

    PL o S Genetics (Online), 9(3)

    M.M. Gaudet (Mia), K.B. Kuchenbaecker (Karoline), J. Vijai (Joseph), R.J. Klein (Robert), T. Kircchoff (Tomas), L. McGuffog (Lesley), D. Barrowdale (Daniel), A.M. Dunning (Alison), A. Lee (Andrew), J. Dennis (Joe), et al. S. Healey (Sue), E. Dicks (Ed), P. Soucy (Penny), O. Sinilnikova (Olga), V.S. Pankratz (Shane), X. Wang (Xing), S. Eldridge (Steve), Y. Tessier (Yann), D. Vincent (Daniel), F. Bacot (Francois), F.B.L. Hogervorst (Frans), S. Peock (Susan), D. Stoppa-Lyonnet (Dominique), F. Coulet (Florence), C. Colas (Chrystelle), F. Soubrier, P. Peterlongo (Paolo), R.K. Schmutzler (Rita), K.L. Nathanson (Katherine), M. Piedmonte (Marion), C.F. Singer (Christian), M. Thomassen (Mads), J. Sokolowska (Johanna), M. Bronner (Myriam), T.V.O. Hansen (Thomas), S.L. Neuhausen (Susan), I. Blanco (Ignacio), M.H. Greene (Mark), J. Garber, J.N. Weitzel (Jeffrey), I.L. Andrulis (Irene), D. Goldgar (David), E. D'Andrea (Emma), T. Caldes (Trinidad), H. Nevanlinna (Heli), A. Osorio (Ana), E.J. van Rensburg (Elizabeth), A. Arason (Adalgeir), G. Rennert (Gad), A.M.W. van den Ouweland (Ans), A.H. van der Hout (Annemarie), C.M. Kets (Marleen), C.M. Aalfs (Cora), J.T. Wijnen (Juul), M.G.E.M. Ausems (Margreet), D. Frost (Debra), S. Ellis (Steve), E. Fineberg (Elena), R. Platte (Radka), D.G. Evans (Gareth), C. Jacobs (Chris), J.W. Adlard (Julian), M. Tischkowitz (Marc), M.E. Porteous (Mary), F. Damiola (Francesca), L. Golmard (Lisa), L. Barjhoux (Laure), M. Longy (Michel), M. Belotti (Muriel), S.F. Ferrer, S. Mazoyer (Sylvie), A.B. Spurdle (Amanda), S. Manoukian (Siranoush), M. Barile (Monica), M. Genuardi (Maurizio), N. Arnold (Norbert), A. Meindl (Alfons), C. Sutter (Christian), B. Wapenschmidt (Barbara), S.M. Domchek (Susan), G. Pfeiler (Georg), E. Friedman (Eitan), U.B. Jensen, M. Robson (Mark), S. Shah (Sonia), C. Lázaro (Conxi), P.L. Mai (Phuong), J. Benítez (Javier), M.C. Southey (Melissa), M.K. Schmidt (Marjanka), P.A. Fasching (Peter), J. Peto (Julian), M.K. Humphreys (Manjeet), Q. Wang (Qing), K. Michailidou (Kyriaki), E.J. Sawyer (Elinor), B. Burwinkel (Barbara), P. Guénel (Pascal), S.E. Bojesen (Stig), R.L. Milne (Roger), H. Brenner (Hermann), M. Lochmann (Magdalena), H. Brauch (Hiltrud), Y-D. Ko (Yon-Dschun), C. Baisch (Christian), H.-P. Fischer, T. Bruening (Thomas), B. Pesch (Beate), S. Rabstein (Sylvia), A. Spickenheuer (Anne), K. Aittomäki (Kristiina), T. Dörk (Thilo), S. Margolin (Sara), A. Mannermaa (Arto), D. Lambrechts (Diether), J. Chang-Claude (Jenny), P. Radice (Paolo), G.G. Giles (Graham), C.A. Haiman (Christopher), R. Winqvist (Robert), P. Devillee (Peter), M. García-Closas (Montserrat), N. Schoof (Nils), M.J. Hooning (Maartje), A. Cox (Angela), P.D.P. Pharoah (Paul), A. Jakubowska (Anna), N. Orr (Nick), A. González-Neira (Anna), G. Pita (Guillermo), M.R. Alonso (Rosario), A.S. Hall (Alistair), F.J. Couch (Fergus), J. Simard (Jacques), D. Altshuler (David), D.F. Easton (Douglas), G. Chenevix-Trench (Georgia), A.C. Antoniou (Antonis), K. Offit (Kenneth), M.A. Rookus (Matti), F.E. van Leeuwen (Flora), S. Verhoef, M.K. Schmidt (Marjanka), J.L. de Lange (J.), J.M. Collée (Margriet), C.M. Seynaeve (Caroline), C.H.M. van Deurzen (Carolien), C.J. van Asperen (Christi), J.T. Wijnen (Juul), R.A.E.M. Tollenaar (Rob), P. Devilee (Peter), T.C.T.E.F. van Cronenburg, A.R. Mensenkamp (Arjen), R.B. van der Luijt (Rob), T.A.M. van Os (Theo), J.J. Gille (Johan), Q. Waisfisz (Quinten), E.J. Meijers-Heijboer (Hanne), E.B. Gómez García (Encarna), M.J. Blok (Marinus), J.C. Oosterwijk (Jan), M.J. Mourits (Marjan), G.H. de Bock (Geertruida), H. Vasen (Hans), S.D. Ellis (Steve), E. Fineberg (Elena), Z. Miedzybrodzka (Zosia), H. Gregory (Helen), P.J. Morrison (Patrick), L. Jeffers (Lisa), T.J. Cole (Trevor), K.-R. Ong (Kai-Ren), J. Hoffman (Jonathan), A. Donaldson (Alan), M. James (Margaret), J. Paterson (Joan), A. Taylor (Amy), A. Murray (Alexandra), M.T. Rogers (Mark), E. McCann (Emma), M.J. Kennedy (John), D.E. Barton (David), S. Drummond (Sarah), C. Brewer (C.), E. Kivuva (Emma), A. Searle (Anne), S. Goodman (Selina), R. Davidson (Rosemarie), V. Murday (Victoria), N. Bradshaw (Nicola), L. Snadden (Lesley), M. Longmuir (Mark), C. Watt (Catherine), S. Gibson (Sarah), E. Haque (Eshika), E. Tobias (Ed), A. Duncan (Alexis), L. Izatt (Louise), C. Langman (Caroline), A.F. Brady (Angela), H. Dorkins (Huw), S.A. Melville (Scott), K. Randhawa (Kashmir), J. Barwell (Julian), G. Serra-Feliu (Gemma), I.O. Ellis (Ian), C. Houghton (Catherine), F. Lalloo (Fiona), J. Taylor (James), L. Side (Lucy), A. Male (Alison), C. Berlin (Cheryl), J. Eason (Jacqueline), R. Collier (Rebecca), F. Douglas (Fiona), O. Claber (Oonagh), I. Jobson (Irene), L.J. Walker (Lisa), D. McLeod (Diane), D. Halliday (Dorothy), S. Durell (Sarah), B. Stayner (Barbara), R. Eeles (Rosalind), S. Shanley (Susan), N. Rahman (Nazneen), R. Houlston (Richard), E.K. Bancroft (Elizabeth), E. 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    April 2013
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  • Diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis: An updated systematic review of the accuracy of diagnostic tests Review

    E.I.T. de Schepper (Evelien), G.M. Overdevest (Gijsbert), P. Suri (Pradeep), W.C. Peul (Wilco), E.H.G. Oei (Edwin), B.W. Koes (Bart), S.M. Bierma-Zeinstra (Sita) and P.A.J. Luijsterburg (Pim)

    April 2013
  • Relation of statin therapy to psychological functioning in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator Article

    The American Journal of Cardiology, 111(8), 1169-1174.

    M.T. Hoogwegt (Madelein), D.A.M.J. Theuns (Dominic), N. Kupper (Nina), L.J.L.M. Jordaens (Luc) and S.S. Pedersen (Susanne)

    April 2013
  • Characteristics of Lung Cancers Detected by Computer Tomography Screening in the Randomized NELSON Trial Article

    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 187(8), 848-854.

    N. Horeweg (Nanda), C.M. van der Aalst (Carlijn), E. Thunnissen (Erik), K. Nackaerts (Kristiaan), C. Weenink (Carla), H.J.M. Groen (Harry), J.-W.J. Lammers (Jan-Willem), J.G.J.V. Aerts (Joachim), E.T. Scholten (Ernst), J.M. van Rosmalen (Joost), et al. W. Mall (Willem), M. Oudkerk (Matthijs) and H.J. de Koning (Harry)

    April 2013
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    Censored Posterior and Predictive Likelihood in Bayesian Left-Tail Prediction for Accurate Value at Risk Estimation Research Paper

    (no. TI 13-060/III ) Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper Series

    L. Gatarek (Lukasz), L.F. Hoogerheide (Lennart) and K. Hooning (Koen)

    April 2013
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    Advertising-induced Embarrassment Research Paper

    (no. ERS-2013-003-MKT) ERIM Report Series Research in Management

    S. Puntoni (Stefano), I.E. de Hooge (Ilona) and W.J.M.I. Verbeke (Willem)

    April 2013
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    Exercise self-efficacy in persons with spinal cord injury: psychometric properties of the Dutch translation of the Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale Article

    Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 45(4), 347-350.

    C.F.J. Nooijen (Carla), M.W. Post (Marcel), D. Spijkerman (Dorien), M.P. Bergen (Michael), H.J. Stam (Henk) and H.J.G. van den Berg-Emons (Rita)

    April 2013
  • Error-Related Brain Activity Predicts Cocaine Use After Treatment at 3-Month Follow-up Article

    Biological Psychiatry, 73(8), 782-788.

    R. Marhe (Reshmi), B.J.M. van de Wetering (Ben) and I.H.A. Franken (Ingmar)

    April 2013
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    Arterial elongation and tortuosity leads to detection of a de novo TGFBR2 mutation in a young patient with complex aortic pathology Note

    K.M. van de Luijtgaarden (Koen), F.M.V. Bastos Gonçalves (Frederico), D.F. Majoor-Krakauer (Danielle) and H.J.M. Verhagen (Hence)

    April 2013
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  • April 2013
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    Dyslipidemia in Obesity: Mechanisms and Potential Targets Review

    B. Klop (Boudewijn), J.W.F. Elte (Jan Willem) and M. Castro Cabezas (Manuel)

    April 2013
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    Residential Parking Permits and Parking Supply Research Paper

    (no. TI 2013-059/VIII) Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper Series

    J. van Ommeren (Jos), J. de Groote (Jesper) and G. Mingardo (Giuliano)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Optimal resource allocation in colonoscopy: Timing of follow-up colonoscopies in relation to adenoma detection rates Article

    Endoscopy, 45(7), 545-552.

    J.S. SInt Nicolaas (Jerome), V. de Jonge (Vincent), O. Baalen, F.J. Kubben, W. Moolenaar (Willem), M. Stolk (Mark), E.J. Kuipers (Ernst) and M.E. van Leerdam (Monique)

    April 2013
  • Clinical outcome of progressive stenting in patients with anastomotic strictures after orthotopic liver transplantation Article

    Endoscopy, 45(7), 567-570.

    J.-W. Poley (Jan-Werner), M.N. Lekkerkerker, H.J. Metselaar (Herold), E.J. Kuipers (Ernst) and M.J. Bruno (Marco)

    April 2013
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    The Customer Cannot Choose Inaugural Lecture

    A.C.D. Donkers (Bas)

    April 2013
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    Credit Rating Agencies, Financial Regulations and the Capital Markets Dissertation

    Erasmus Research Institute of Management

    K. Shahzad (Khurram)

    April 2013
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    Exhaled nitric oxide and asthma in childhood Dissertation

    Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

    R.J.P. van der Valk (Ralf)

    April 2013
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    Physical Activity : The interplay between individual and neighbourhood factors Dissertation

    Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

    M.A. Beenackers (Marielle)

    April 2013
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    A new scoring system derived from base excess and platelet count at presentation predicts mortality in paediatric meningococcal sepsis Article

    Critical Care, 17(2)

    A. Couto-Alves (Alexessander), V.J. Wright (Victoria), K. Perumal (Karnan), A. Binder (Alexander), E.D. Carrol (Enitan), M. Emonts (Marieke), R. de Groot (Ronald), J.A. Hazelzet (Jan), T. Kuijpers (Ton), S. Nadel (Simon), et al. W. Zenz (Werner), P. Ramnarayan (Padmanabhan), M. Levin (Michael), L. Coin (Lachlan) and D. Inwald (David)

    April 2013
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    Genetic basis of hyperlysinemia Article

    Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 8(1)

    S.M. Houten (Sander M.), H. Te Brinke (Heleen), S. Denis (Simone), J.P.N. Ruiter (Jos), A.C. Knegt (Alida), J.B.C. de Klerk (Johannes), P. Augoustides-Savvopoulou (Persa), J. Häberle (Johannes), M.R. Baumgartner (Matthias), T. Coşkun (Turgay), et al. J. Zschocke (Johannes), J.O. Sass (Jörn Oliver), B.T. Poll-The, R.J.A. Wanders (Ronald) and M. Duran (Marinus)

    April 2013
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    Onchocerciasis: The Pre-control Association between Prevalence of Palpable Nodules and Skin Microfilariae Article

    PL o S Neglected Tropical Diseases (Online), 7(4)

    L.E. Coffeng (Luc), S.D.S. Pion (Sébastien), S. O'Hanlon (Simon), S. Cousens (Simon), A.O. Abiose (Adenike), P.U. Fischer (Peter), J.H.F. Remme (Jan), K.Y. Dadzie (Yankum), M.E. Murdoch (Michele), S.J. de Vlas (Sake), et al. M-G. Basáñez (María-Gloria), W.A. Stolk (Wilma) and M. Boussinesq (Michel)

    April 2013
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    Quantifying Productivity Gains from Foreign Investment Research Paper

    (no. TI 13-058/IV) Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper Series

    C. Fons-Rosen (Christian), S. Kalemli-Ozcan (Sebnem), B.E. Sorensen (Bent) and C. Villegas-Sanchez (Carolina)

    April 2013
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    Analyzing Fixed-Event Forecast Revisions Research Paper

    (no. TI 13-057/III) Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper Series

    C-L. Chang (Chia-Lin), L.P. de Bruijn (Bert), Ph.H.B.F. Franses (Philip Hans) and M.J. McAleer (Michael)

    April 2013
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  • Revascularization strategies in patients with diabetes [1] Article

    New England Journal of Medicine, 368(15)

    F. Alfonso (Fernando) and R. Hernandez-Pando

    April 2013
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    Innovation Paradox in Vaccine Target Selection Dissertation

    Erasmus Research Institute of Management

    E.S. Pronker (Esther)

    April 2013
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    Development of Type 1 Diabetes: Monocytes and dendritic cells in the pancreas Dissertation

    Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

    J.M.C. Welzen-Coppens (Jojanneke)

    April 2013
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    April 2013
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  • Sustained virological response to treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis C - Reply Article

    J A M A: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 309(14)

    A.J.P. van der Meer (Adriaan), B.E. Hansen (Bettina) and H.L.A. Janssen (Harry)

    April 2013
  • Quantification of smoothing requirement for 3D optic flow calculation of volumetric images Article

    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 22(6), 2128-2137.

    A. Bab-Hadiashar (Alireza), R.B. Tennakoon (Ruwan) and M. de Bruijne (Marleen)

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    Secret seducers - True tales of pimps in the red light district of Amsterdam Article

    Crime, Law and Social Change: an interdisciplinary journal, 1-14.

    M.R.P.J.R.S. van San (Marion) and F. Bovenkerk (Frank)

    April 2013
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    Cancer-Related Fatigue: a multidimensional approach Dissertation

    Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

    P.J. de Raaf (Pleun)

    April 2013
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    Fragile X Syndrome: Steps towards Therapy Dissertation

    Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

    A.S. Pop (Andreea)

    April 2013
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    Role and Specificity of LGI4-ADAM22 Interactions in Peripheral Nerve Myelination Dissertation

    Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

    L. Kegel (Linde)

    April 2013
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    Stereotactic body radiotherapy with a focal boost to the MRI-visible tumor as monotherapy for low- and intermediate-risk prostate cancer: Early results Article

    Radiation Oncology, 8(1)

    S. Aluwini (Shafak), P.H. van Rooij (Peter), M.S. Hoogeman (Mischa), W.J. Kirkels (Wim), I.-K.K. Kolkman-Deurloo (Inger-Karina) and C.H. Bangma (Chris)

    April 2013
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    Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratio: Consequences of Adjusting Hospital Mortality with Indirect Standardization Article

    PLoS ONE, 8(4)

    M.E. Pouw (Maurice), L.M. Peelen (Linda), H.F. Lingsma (Hester), D. Pieter (Daniel), E.W. Steyerberg (Ewout), C.J. Kalkman (Cor) and K.G.M. Moons (Karel)

    April 2013
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    In Vivo Expansion of Co-Transplanted T Cells Impacts on Tumor Re-Initiating Activity of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia in NSG Mice Article

    PLoS ONE, 8(4)

    M. von Bonin (Malte), M. Wermke (Martin), K.N. Cosgun (Kadriye Nehir), C. Thiede, M. Bornhäuser (Martin), G. Wagemaker (Gerard) and C. Waskow (Claudia)

    April 2013
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  • Oxidative stress and pathological changes after coronary artery interventions Article

    Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 61(14), 1471-1481.

    R.P. Juni (Rio), H.J. Duckers (Henricus), P.M. Vanhoutte (Paul), R. Virmani (Renu) and A.L. Moens (An)

    April 2013
  • April 2013
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    Locating food sovereignty: geographical and sectoral distance in the global food system Research Paper

    (no. 557) ISS Working Papers - General Series

    M.J. Robbins (Martha Jane)

    April 2013
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    Ex vivo Expansion of Hematopoietic Stem Cells Dissertation

    Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

    E. Farahbakhshian (Elnaz)

    April 2013
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    Trademark or patent? The effects of market structure, customer type and venture capital financing on start-ups' IP decisions Research Paper

    (no. ERS-2013-002-STR) ERIM Report Series Research in Management

    A.G.B. de Vries (Geertjan), H.P.G. Pennings (Enrico) and J.H. Block (Jörn)

    April 2013
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    European H16N3 Gull Influenza Virus Attaches to the Human Respiratory Tract and Eye Article

    PLoS ONE, 8(4)

    C. Lindskog (Cecilia), P. Ellström (Patrik), B. Olsen (Björn), F. Pontén (Fredrik), D.A.J. van Riel (Debby), V.J. Munster (Vincent), D. González-Acuña (Daniel), T. Kuiken (Thijs) and E. Jourdain (Elsa)

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    Consumers' intention to use health recommendation systems to receive personalized nutrition advice Article

    BMC Health Services Research, 13(1), 1-13.

    S. Wendel (Sonja), B.G.C. Dellaert (Benedict), A. Ronteltap (Amber) and H.C.M. van Trijp (Hans)

    April 2013
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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI phenotypes-genotypes and antibody response to galsulfase Article

    Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 8(1), 1-10.

    M.M.M.G. Brands (Marion), M. Hoogeveen-Westerveld (Marianne), M.A. Kroos (Marian), W. Nobel (Willemieke), G.J.G. Ruijter (George), L. Ozkan (Lale), I. Plug (Iris), D. Grinberg (Daniel), L. Vilageliu (Lluïsa), D.J.J. Halley (Dicky), et al. A.T. van der Ploeg (Ans) and A.J.J. Reuser (Arnold)

    April 2013
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    A validation of the ICECAP-O in a population of post-hospitalized older people in the Netherlands Article

    Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 11(1)

    , M.A. Koopmanschap (Marc), W.B.F. Brouwer (Werner) and A.P. Nieboer (Anna)

    April 2013
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  • Elevated numbers of regulatory T cells, central memory T cells and class-switched B cells in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with anti-Hu antibody associated paraneoplastic neurological syndromes Article

    Journal of Neuroimmunology, 258(1-2), 85-90.

    A.H.C. de Jongste (Arjen), M.T. de Graaf (Marieke), P.D.M. van den Broek (Patricia), J. Kraan (Jaco), P.A. Smitt (Peter) and J.W. Gratama (Jan-Willem)

    April 2013
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    Parallel Sequential Monte Carlo for Efficient Density Combination: The Deco Matlab Toolbox Research Paper

    (no. TI 13-055/III) Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper Series

    R. Casarin (Roberto), S. Grassi (Stefano), F. Ravazzolo (Francesco) and H.K. van Dijk (Herman)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Toward legitimate governance strategies for climate adaptation in the Netherlands: combining insights from a legal, planning, and network perspective Article

    Regional Environmental Change, 1-13.

    M.W. van Buuren (Arwin), J.P. Driessen (Juliette), G.R. Teisman (Geert) and H.F.M.W. van Rijswick (Marleen)

    April 2013
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    Revisiting gender mainstreaming in international development : Goodbye to an illusionary strategy Research Paper

    (no. 556) ISS Working Papers - General Series

    H.M. Brouwers (Ria)

    April 2013
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  • Randomized study to assess the effect of thrombus aspiration on flow area in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction: An optical frequency domain imaging study - TROFI trial Article

    European Heart Journal, 34(14)

    Y. Onuma (Yoshinobu), L. Thuesen (Leif), R.J.M. van Geuns (Robert Jan), M. van der Ent (Martin), S. Desch (Steffen), J. Fajadet (Jean), E.H. Christiansen (Evald Høj), P. Smits (Peter), N. Ramsing Holm (Niels), E.S. Regar (Eveline), et al. N.M. van Mieghem (Nicolas), V. Borovicanin (Vladimir), D. Paunovic (Dragica), K. Senshu (Kazuhisa), G.A. van Es (Gerrit Anne), T. Muramatsu (Takashi), I.-S. Lee (Il-Soo), G. Schuler (Gerhard), F. Zijlstra (Felix), H.M. Garcia-Garcia (Hector) and P.W.J.C. Serruys (Patrick)

    April 2013
  • Infectious disease transmission as a forensic problem: Who infected whom? Article

    Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10(81)

    P.F.M. Teunis (Peter), J.C.M. Heijne (Janneke ), F.H.A. Sukhrie (Faizel), J. van Eijkeren (Jan), M.P.G. Koopmans D.V.M. (Marion) and M.E.E. Kretzschmar (Mirjam)

    April 2013
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    Pathways through which health influences early retirement: A qualitative study Article

    BMC Public Health, 13(1)

    A. de Wind (Astrid), G.A. Geuskens (Goedele), K.G. Reeuwijk (Kerstin), M.J. Westerman (Marjan), J.F. Ybema (Jan Fekke), A. Burdorf (Alex), P.M. Bongers (Paulien) and A.J. van der Beek (Allard)

    April 2013
    open access
  • Replicating Minicircles: Overcoming the Limitations of Transient and Stable Expression Systems Book Chapter

    K. Nehlsen (Kristina), S. Broll (Sandra), R. Kandimalla (Raju), J. Heinz (Judith), M. Heine (Markus), S. Binius (Stefanie), A. Schambach (Axel) and J. Bode (Jürgen)

    April 2013
  • April 2013
  • Functional variants at the 11q13 risk locus for breast cancer regulate cyclin D1 expression through long-range enhancers Article

    American Journal of Human Genetics, 92(4), 489-503.

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    April 2013
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    Consumers’ intention to use health recommendation systems to receive personalized nutrition advice Article

    BMC Health Services Research, 2013(13), 126-138.

    S. Wendel (Sonja), B.G.C. Dellaert (Benedict), A. Ronteltap (Amber) and H.C.M. van Trijp (Hans)

    April 2013
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    The Molecular Genetic Architecture of Self-Employment Article

    PLoS ONE, 8(4)

    M.J.H.M. van der Loos (Matthijs), C.A. Rietveld (Niels), N. Eklund (Niina), Ph.D. Koellinger (Philipp), F. Rivadeneira Ramirez (Fernando), G.R. Abecasis (Gonçalo), G.A. Ankra-Badu (Georgina), S.E. Baumeister (Sebastian), D.J. Benjamin (Daniel J.), R. Biffar (Reiner), et al. S. Blankenberg (Stefan), D.I. Boomsma (Dorret), D. Cesarini (David), F. Cucca (Francesco), E.J.C. de Geus (Eco), G.V. Dedoussis (George), P. Deloukas (Panagiotis), M. Dimitriou (Maria), G. Eiriksdottir (Gudny), J. Eriksson (Joel), C. Gieger (Christian), V. Gudnason (Vilmundur), B. Höhne (Birgit), R. Holle (Rolf), J.J. Hottenga (Jouke Jan), A.J. Isaacs (Aaron), M.-R. Jarvelin (Marjo-Riitta), M. Johannesson (Magnus), M. Kaakinen (Marika), M. Kähönen (Mika), S. Kanoni (Stavroula), M.A. Laaksonen (Maarit), J. Lahti (Jari), L.J. Launer (Lenore), T. Lehtimäki (Terho), M. Loitfelder (Marisa), P.K. Magnusson (Patrik), S. Naitza (Silvia), B.A. Oostra (Ben), M. Perola (Markus), K. Petrovic (Katja), L. Quaye (Lydia), O. Raitakari (Olli), S. Ripatti (Samuli), P. Scheet (Paul), D. Schlessinger, C.O. Schmidt (Carsten Oliver), A. Senft (Asaf), A.V. Smith (Albert Vernon), T.D. Spector (Timothy), I. Surakka (Ida), R. Svento (Rauli), A. Terracciano, E. Tikkanen (Emmi), P. Tikka-Kleemola (Päivi), J. Viikari (Jorma), H. Völzke (Henry), H.E. Wichmann (Heinz Erich), P.S. Wild (Philipp), S.M. Willems (Sara), G.A.H.M. Willemsen (Gonneke), F.J.A. van Rooij (Frank), P.J.F. Groenen (Patrick), A.G. Uitterlinden (André), B. Hofman and A.R. Thurik (Roy)

    April 2013
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    Understanding the mechanisms of histone 2A ubiquitination Dissertation

    Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

    F. Mattiroli (Fransesca)

    April 2013
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  • Prevention Article

    Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 55(3), 149-151.

    S.J. Roza (Sabine)

    April 2013
  • Combining Statistical Evidence From Several Studies: A Method Using Bayesian Updating and an Example From Research on Trust Problems in Social and Economic Exchange Article

    Sociological Methods and Research, 42(1), 60-81.

    R.M. Kuiper (Rebecca M.), V.W. Buskens (Vincent), W. Raub (Werner) and H. Hoijtink (Herbert)

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    Limited cross-border infections in patients newly diagnosed with HIV in Europe Article

    Retrovirology, 10(1)

    D. Frentz (Dineke), A.M.J. Wensing (Annemarie), J. Albert (Jan), D. Paraskevis (Dimitrios), A.B. Abecasis (Ana), O. Hamouda (Osamah), L.B. Jørgensen (Louise), C. Kücherer (Claudia), D. Struck (Daniel), J.-C. Schmit (Jean-Claude), et al. B. Åsjö (Birgitta), C. Balotta (Claudia), D. Beshkov (Danail), R.J. Camacho (Ricardo Jorge), B. Clotet (Bonaventura), S. Coughlan (Suzie), S. De Wit, A. Griskevicius (Algirdas), Z. Grossman (Zehava), A. Horban (Andrzej), T. Kolupajeva (Tatjana), K. Korn (Klaus), L.G. Kostrikis (Leondios), K. Liitsola (Kirsi), M. Linka (Marek), C. Nielsen (Claus), D. Otelea (Dan), R. Paredes (Roger), M. Poljak (Mario), E. Puchhammer-Stöckl (Elisabeth), A. Sonnerborg (Anders), D. Stanekova (Danica), M. Stanojevic (Maja), A.M. Vandamme (Anne Mieke), C.A.B. Boucher (Charles) and D.A.M.C. van de Vijver (David)

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    Pathophysiology and treatment of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: The role of animal models Review

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    Antimicrobial Resistance, Virulence Factors and Genetic Diversity of Escherichia coli Isolates from Household Water Supply in Dhaka, Bangladesh Article

    PLoS ONE, 8(4)

    P.K. Talukdar (Prabhat Kumar), M. Rahman (Mahdia), A. Nabi (Ashikun), Z. Islam (Zhahirul), M.M. Hoque (Mahfuzul) and H.P. Endtz (Hubert)

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    Political Economy Analysis and the Aid Industry: The Road to Nowhere? Research Report

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    Clinical Pathways in Hospitals: Evaluating effects and costs Dissertation

    Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

    T. Rotter (Thomas)

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  • Ceilings and floors: where are there no observations? (forthcoming) Article

    G. Goertz (Gary), A. Hak (Tony) and J. Dul (Jan)

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  • A genetic case-control study confirms the implication of SMAD7 and TNF locus in the development of proliferative vitreoretinopathy Article

    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 54(3), 1665-1678.

    J. Rojas (Jimena), I. Fernández (Itziar), J.C. Pastor (Jose Carlos), R.E. MacLaren (Robert ), Y. Ramkissoon (Yashin), S. Harsum (Steven), D. Charteris (David), J.C. van Meurs (Jan), S. Amarakoon (Sankha), J.M. Ruiz-Moreno (Jose María), et al. A. Rocha-Sousa (Amandio), M.-J. Brion (Maria) and A. Carracedo (Angel)

    April 2013
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  • Version-vergence interactions during memory-guided binocular gaze shifts Article

    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 54(3), 1656-1664.

    J. Dits (Joyce), J.J.M. Pel (Johan), B.R. Prashanth Kumar (Bajpe Rohitha) and J. van der Steen (Hans)

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    Semiautomated isolation and molecular characterisation of single or highly purified tumour cells from CellSearch enriched blood samples using dielectrophoretic cell sorting Article

    British Journal of Cancer, 108(6), 1358-1367.

    D. Peeters (Dieter), B. de Laere (B.), G. van den Eynden, S.J. van Laere (Steven), F. Rothé (Françoise), M. Ignatiadis (Michael), A.M. Sieuwerts (Anieta), D. Lambrechts (Diether), A. Rutten (Annemarieke), P.A. van Dam, et al. P. Pauwels (Patrick), M.C. Peeters (Marian), P.B. Vermeulen (Peter) and L.Y. Dirix (Luc)

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    2013, 414173CV EXPL3686-12, (Health City Beheer) Annotation

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    Systemic Inflammation and Lung Function Impairment in Morbidly Obese Subjects with the Metabolic Syndrome Article

    Journal of Obesity, 1-9.

    A. van Huisstede (Astrid), M. Castro Cabezas (Manuel), E. Birnie (Erwin), G.J.M. van de Geijn (Gert-Jan), A. Rudolphus (Arjan), G.H.H. Mannaerts (Guido), T. Njo (Tjin), P.S. Hiemstra (Pieter) and G.J. Braunstahl (Gert-Jan)

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  • Controversies in drugs in dermatology Article

    Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dermatologie en Venereologie, 23(4), 237-238.

    T.E.C. Nijsten (Tamar)

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  • Use of Plerixafor in patients that show failure of peripheral blood stem cell mobilization with G-CSF. Experience of three Dutch centers. Article

    Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis, 48(2)

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    Mutations in LRRC50 Predispose Zebrafish and Humans to Seminomas Article

    PL o S Genetics (Online), 9(4)

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  • Optimal blocking for general resolution-3 designs Article

    Journal of Quality Technology: a quarterly journal of methods, applications and related topics, 45(2), 166-187.

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  • Multidisciplinary approach for HCC patients: Hepatology for the oncologists Article

    Annals of Oncology, 24(SUPPL.2), 15-23.

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  • Bortezomib-induced polyneuropathy Article

    The Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 71(3), 128-133.

    A.J.J. Rampen (A. J J), J.L.M. Jongen (Joost), I. van Heuvel (Irene), M.S.-D. Boer (Marjan Scheltens-De), P. Sonneveld (Pieter) and M.J. van den Bent (Martin)

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  • Advanced three-dimensional quantitative coronary angiographic assessment of bifurcation lesions: Methodology and phantom validation Article

    EuroIntervention, 8(12), 1451-1460.

    C. Girasis (Chrysafios), J.C.H. Schuurbiers (Johan), T. Muramatsu (Takashi), J.P.M.M. Aben (Jean Paul), Y. Onuma (Yoshinobu), S. Soekhradj (Satishkumar), M-A.M. Morel (Marie-Angèle), R.J.M. van Geuns (Robert Jan), J.J. Wentzel (Jolanda) and P.W.J.C. Serruys (Patrick)

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  • Reaction to 'Excess tissue on the nose' Article

    Het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Keel- Neus- Oorheelkunde, 19(2), 74-75.

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  • Messy Business: Media Representations of Administrative Sanctions for Corporate Offenders Article

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  • Determination of the optimal length of insertion of central venous catheters in pediatric patients by endovascular ECG Article

    Minerva Anestesiologica: a journal on anesthesiology, resuscitation, analgesia and intensive care, 79(4), 379-384.

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  • Virilization due to androgen hypersecretion in a patient with ovarian leydig cell tumor: diagnostic and psychosocial implications. Article

    Acta medica Indonesiana, 45(2), 130-135.

    A.Z. Juniarto (Achmad), B.A. Setiawati (Bestari A), A. Ediati (Annastasia), Y.G. van der Zwan (Yvonne ), L.H.J. Looijenga (Leendert), F.H. de Jong (Frank), A.B. Dessens (Arianne), S.L.S. Drop (Stenvert) and S.M.H. Faradz (Sultana)

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